<> Trend Micro, Inc. Aug 4, 2016 ====================================================================== Trend Micro(TM) Control Manager(TM) 6.0 Hot Fix - Build 3328 ====================================================================== NOTICE: This hot fix was developed as a workaround or solution to a customer-reported problem. As such, this hot fix has received limited testing and has not been certified as an official product update. Consequently, THIS HOT FIX IS PROVIDED "AS IS". TREND MICRO MAKES NO WARRANTY OR PROMISE ABOUT THE OPERATION OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS HOT FIX NOR DOES IT WARRANT THAT THIS HOT FIX IS ERROR FREE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TREND MICRO DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED AND STATUTORY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Contents =================================================================== 1. Hot Fix Release Information 1.1 Issues 1.2 Enhancements 1.3 Files Included in this Release 2. Documentation Set 3. System Requirements 4. Installation/Uninstallation 4.1 Installation 4.2 Uninstallation 5. Post-installation Configuration 6. Known Issues 7. Release History 7.1 Prior Hot Fixes 8. Contact Information 9. About Trend Micro 10. License Agreement =================================================================== 1. Hot Fix Release Information ====================================================================== 1.1 Resolved Known Issues =================================================================== This hotfix resolves the following issues: Issue 1: Users are logged off unexpectedly from the Control Manager console after clicking on certain pattern names in the "Update > Schedule Download" page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 1: This hotfix ensures that users are redirected to the correct settings page after clicking a pattern name in the "Update > Schedule Download" page. Issue 2: The Ransomware widget icon does not appear on the dashboard if Control Manager has run a Widget Pool Update before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 2: This hotfix ensures that the Ransomware widget icon appears on the dashboard. Issue 3: The Control Manager 6.0 program was affected by the following vulnerabilities: - The Control Manager 6.0 program is affected by multiple Cross Site Scripting and XML External Entity Processing vulnerabilities. - DOS vulnerabilities in the "Dashboard" and "Ad Hoc Query" pages - information disclosure vulnerabilities on the "Dashboard" and "Error" pages - SQL injection vulnerabilities in the Dashboard, "Ad Hoc Query", and "Scheduled Download" pages These vulnerabilities have been resolved in previous hotfixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 3: This hotfix also contains the solutions to these vulnerabilities. 1.2 Enhancements =================================================================== There are no enhancements for this hot fix release. 1.3 Files Included in this Release =================================================================== A. Files for Current Issue ------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Filename Build No. ================ ========= \FileGroup49\ cgiHandlerScheduleDownload.dll WebUI\WebApp\ soap.php n/a \FileGroup509\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\inc\ config.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modTmcmRansomwarePrevention\lib\ template.js n/a B. Files for Previous Issues ------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Filename Build No. ================ ========= \FileGroup1\ DbAccessWrapper.NET.dll DDMRestfulServiceUtility.NET.dll DnDns.dll IPAddressRange.dll LogMeta.5.5.xml n/a LogProcessor.exe PlugInMenuList.xml n/a ScheduleJobSetting.xml n/a Schema_60_3221_HF.xml n/a WhoIsClient.dll MSSQL\ fn_DDM_ParseCriteriaItem.sql n/a fn_DDM_ParseJSON.sql n/a sp_DDM_AddComment.sql n/a sp_DDM_ApplyIgnoreRule.sql n/a sp_DDM_ApplyIgnoreRuleOnDDEI_SmartSearch.sql n/a sp_DDM_ApplyIgnoreRuleOnDDI_SmartSearch.sql n/a sp_DDM_CreateIgnoreRule.sql n/a sp_DDM_CreateSmartSearchCriteria.sql n/a sp_DDM_DeleteIgnoreRule.sql n/a sp_DDM_DeleteSmartSearchCriteria.sql n/a sp_DDM_DisableFailedIgnoreRule.sql n/a sp_DDM_InitialTaggingWatermark.sql n/a sp_DDM_MailDetectionViewDetail.sql n/a sp_DDM_MailDetectionView_SmartSearchV2.sql n/a sp_DDM_ParseCriteria.sql n/a sp_DDM_PurgeLog.sql n/a sp_DDM_Purge_tb_MessageDetectionLog.sql n/a sp_DDM_QueryCommentList.sql n/a sp_DDM_QueryIgnoreRule.sql n/a sp_DDM_QuerySmartSearchCriteria.sql n/a sp_DDM_QueryUntaggedLogByBatch.sql n/a sp_DDM_UpdateIgnoreRule.sql n/a sp_DDM_UpdateResolvedState.sql n/a sp_DDM_UpdateSmartSearchCriteria.sql n/a sp_DDM_UpdateTaggedLogWatermark.sql n/a sp_DDM_WebDetectionView_SmartSearchV2.sql n/a stmt_init_ddm.sql n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Code\RestfulHandler\DDM\ DDMResourceController.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ LogMaintainenseCfg.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\DDM\ emaildetectionview.json n/a webdetectionview.json n/a zinnia_api_client.p12 n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ DDMRestfulServiceUtility.NET.dll WebUI\WebApp\html\DDM\ emaildetectionview2.html n/a ignorerule.html n/a webdetectionview2.html n/a WebUI\WebApp\html\DDM\js\bundle\ edv2.js n/a es5-sham.min.js n/a es5-shim.min.js n/a ignorerule.js n/a vender.bundle.js n/a wdv2.js n/a \FileGroup2\ WebUI\WebApp\js\ dm.js n/a UI_Script.js n/a UI_String.en-US.js n/a UI_String.js n/a \FileGroup3\ ADServices.dll \FileGroup4\ WebUI\WebApp\ Login.aspx.cs n/a top.aspx.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ AuditUserEventLog.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ AuditUtilityModule.NET.dll WebUI\WebApp\LoginAD\ LoginAD.aspx.cs n/a \FileGroup5\ ActiveUpdateInfo.xml n/a ProductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ StringTable.xml n/a IDMapping.xml n/a \FileGroup6\ WebUI\WebApp\App_Code\ sCloudService.cs n/a \FileGroup7\ MSSQL\ fn_DDEI_GetMsgActionAsNumber.sql n/a \FileGroup8\ MSSQL\ sp_CnC_ContactAlertNotification.sql n/a stmt_AddProcessTokenForCnCNotification.sql n/a \FileGroup9\ cmdHandlerScheduleDownload.dll \FileGroup10\ AdHocQueryXSD.xsd n/a MSSQL\ v_Spyware_HostMaster.sql n/a v_Spyware_HTTPFTPDetail.sql n/a v_Spyware_MailDetail.sql n/a v_Spyware_Master.sql n/a v_Spyware_NetworkDetail.sql n/a ProductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ StringTable.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ UIMeta.xml n/a \FileGroup11\ MSSQL\ sp_BatchUpdateDataDiscoveryLog.sql n/a sp_CnCSyncNCIELogtoCnCDetection.sql n/a sp_CnCSyncSecurityLogtoCnCDetection.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncAppCtrl.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncBMLog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncCAV.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncDLP.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncFileHashDetection.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncIPSLog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncNCIELog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncPFWLog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncSecurity.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncSpyware.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncVirus.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncWebSecurity.sql n/a sp_SecurityLogNotification.sql n/a sp_SpecialVirusAlertProcessing.sql n/a sp_SpywareSummaryByFact.sql n/a sp_Summarize_OPS_FromVirusLog.sql n/a sp_SummarizeDCSCount.sql n/a sp_SummarizegSecurityLogByRecipient.sql n/a sp_SummarizegSecurityLogBySeverityLevel.sql n/a sp_SummarizeInventoryViewUserLog.sql n/a sp_SummarizeMailSenderFromVirusLog.sql n/a sp_SummarizePacketsVirusLog.sql n/a sp_SummarizePFWCount.sql n/a sp_SummarizeSecurityLog.sql n/a sp_SummarizeSecurityViolationPolicy.sql n/a sp_SummarizeSpywareCount.sql n/a sp_SummarizeTotalSVSCount.sql n/a sp_SummarizeWebSecurityLog.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogByAttachmentName.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogByAttachmentType.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogByRecipient.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogBySeverityLevel.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogBySourceIP.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogBySubject.sql n/a sp_SummaryTotalSecurityLogByThreatType.sql n/a sp_VirusAlert_1stFailure.sql n/a sp_VirusAlert_1stSuccess.sql n/a sp_VirusAlert_2ndFailure.sql n/a sp_VirusAlert_2ndSuccess.sql n/a sp_WebSecurityNotification.sql n/a stmt_set_bigwatermark_to_0.sql n/a \FileGroup12\ MSSQL\ sp_License_FindWebIntegrationEntities.sql n/a \FileGroup13\ WebUI\WebApp\ iframe_index.aspx.cs n/a \FileGroup14\ ccgiEventNotificationSetting.dll EventCenter.xml n/a MSSQL\ sp_WebSecurityNotification.sql n/a stmt_AddTokensForSysLogNotification.sql n/a \FileGroup15\ ccgiRedAlert.dll cgiHandlerManualDownload.dll cgiHandlerScheduleDownload.dll cmdHandlerRedAlertController.dll cmdHandlerScheduleDownload.dll cmdHandlerUpdate.dll cmdHookRedAlert.dll \FileGroup16\ ACLUtility.dll ADUserQueryModule.NET.dll AntiXssLibrary.dll AuditUtilityModule.NET.dll Interop.ActiveDs.dll LogForwarder.exe LogForwarder.exe.config n/a PowerCollections.dll 1.0.2141.24679 PowerCollections.xml n/a RoleProvider.NET.dll System.Data.SQLite.dll WidgetAccountReplicationSettings.ini n/a WidgetAccountReplicator.exe WidgetAccountReplicator.exe.config n/a LogForwarder\ events.ini n/a LogForwarder\scripts\ CnCDetection.sql n/a filehashdetection.sql n/a spyware.sql n/a \FileGroup17\ MSSQL\ fn_ScheduleDownload.sql n/a stmt_ClearAuIDAssociate.sql n/a \FileGroup18\ sCloudProcessor.NET.exe \FileGroup19\ LogHandler.dll LogRetriever.exe \FileGroup20\ AuditUtilityModule.NET.dll MSSQL\ stmt_UpdateOldLogMaintenanceInfo.sql n/a ProductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ IDMapping.xml n/a StringTable.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\Administration\ adim_LogMaintainenceItemCtrl.ascx.cs n/a admin_LogMaintainence.aspx.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ AuditUserEventLog.xml n/a UIMeta.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ AuditUtilityModule.NET.dll \FileGroup21\ MemberShipProvider.NET.dll WebUI\WebApp\ Login.aspx.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ MemberShipProvider.NET.dll WebUI\WebApp\LoginAD\ LoginAD.aspx.cs n/a \FileGroup22\ WebUI\WebApp\js\ UI_Script.js n/a UI_String.en-US.js n/a UI_String.js n/a WebUI\WebApp\UserManager\ EditAccount.aspx n/a EditAccount.aspx.cs n/a MyAccount.aspx n/a MyAccount.aspx.cs n/a \FileGroup23\ ductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ StringTable.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ UIMeta.xml n/a \FileGroup24\ MSSQL\ sp_BatchRegister.sql n/a sp_BatchSyncStatusLogExtraInfo.sql n/a sp_BatchUpdateStatusLog.sql n/a \FileGroup25\ WebUI\cgi-bin\ cgiShowClientAdm.exe \FileGroup26\ MSSQL\ sp_WebSecurityNotification.sql n/a \FileGroup27\ MSSQL\ fn_EngineStatusSummary.sql n/a fn_PatternStatusSummary.sql n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ AdHocQueryEngine.NET.dll \FileGroup28\ ProductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ IDMapping.xml n/a StringTable.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ UIMeta.xml n/a \FileGroup29\ LogForwarder.exe \FileGroup30\ AuditUtilityModule.NET.dll ductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ IDMapping.xml n/a StringTable.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\ Login.aspx.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ AuditUserEventLog.xml n/a UIMeta.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ AuditUtilityModule.NET.dll WebUI\WebApp\LoginAD\ LoginAD.aspx.cs n/a \FileGroup31\ WebUI\WebApp\ help_proxy.php n/a \FileGroup32\ WebUI\WebApp\App_Code\ BasePageSessionExpire.cs n/a \FileGroup33\ VcsInst.dll WebUI\cgi-bin\ VcsInst.dll \FileGroup34\ AdHocQueryXSD.xsd n/a LogMeta.5.5.xml n/a RestfulServiceUtility.NET.dll Schema_60_3287_HF.xml n/a MSSQL\ fn_CE_Get_RansomwarePrefix_CAV.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwarePrefix_VSAPI.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwareRules_AEGIS.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwareRules_CAV.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwareRules_DSCritical.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwareRules_NCIP.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwareRules_NCIP_Endpoint.sql n/a fn_CE_Get_RansomwareRules_VSAPI.sql n/a fn_CTD_QueryRansomwarePreventionDetail.sql n/a fn_EngineStatusSummary.sql n/a fn_PatternStatusSummary.sql n/a fn_RansomwareRuleTable.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncBMLog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncCAV.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncIPSLog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncNCIELog.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncSecurity.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncVirus.sql n/a sp_InventorySyncWebSecurity.sql n/a sp_UI_CriticalEventsRansomware_widget.sql n/a stmt_Ransomware_ChangeCriticalEventPriority.sql n/a v_DataLossPrevention.sql n/a ProductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ IDMapping.xml n/a StringTable.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\AdHocQuery\ AdHocQuery_Processor.aspx.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Code\RestfulHandler\ ThreatDetectionBackendResourceController.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Data\ UIMeta.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ RestfulServiceUtility.NET.dll \FileGroup35\ Schema_60_3289_HF.xml n/a MSSQL\ fn_ACL_GetAccessibleUsers.sql n/a \FileGroup36\ WebUI\WebApp\Administration\ adwidgetsetting.aspx n/a WebUI\WebApp\bin\ ADServices.dll WebUI\WebResource\en_US\help\tmcm_olh\ enpt_protect_verify_config.html n/a \FileGroup38\ AdHocQueryUtility.NET.dll WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ AdHocQueryUtility.NET.dll \FileGroup39\ MSSQL\ sp_BatchUpdateStatusLog.sql n/a \FileGroup40\ LogMeta.5.5.xml n/a Schema_60_3301_HF.xml n/a ProductClass\SLF_PRODUCT_TVCS\ IDMapping.xml n/a StringTable.xml n/a \FileGroup41\ cgiHandlerScheduleDownload.dll UI\en\xmls\ScheduleDownload\ ScheduleDownloadSavedEnableList.html n/a ScheduleDownloadSetting.html n/a WebUI\WebApp\ soap.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\App_Code\ BasePageSessionExpire.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\ExceptionPages\ ErrorPage.aspx.cs n/a \FileGroup42\ ATSE.dll ATSEWrapper.NET.dll \FileGroup43\ WebUI\cgi-bin\ cgiReverseProxy.dll \FileGroup44\ ProcessManager.xml n/a \FileGroup45\ Common.NET.dll UI\en\xmls\ManualDownload\ ManualDownload.xhtml n/a WebUI\WebApp\Administration\ proxy_settings.aspx.cs n/a WebUI\WebApp\Bin\ Common.NET.dll \FileGroup46\ TempProfiles\ DDAN_5.51_1.0_en_US.zip n/a \FileGroup47\ MSSQL\ sp_RecognizeMachineId_A.sql n/a sp_RecognizeMachineId_B.sql n/a \FileGroup48\ LogHandler.dll \FileGroup501\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comOSCEASS\ component.js n/a component.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comOSCEASS\lang\ en_US.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comOSCEWRS\ component.js n/a component.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comOSCEWRS\lang\ en_US.xml n/a \FileGroup502\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\proxy\modIMSVA\ imsva.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comIMSVA\lang\ en_US.xml n/a \FileGroup503\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\helper\widget_component\42.2\en_US\ helper.htm n/a tip.htm n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\proxy\modIWSS\ Proxy.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\proxy\modTMCM\ product_id.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetBase\modProduct\lang\ en_US.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\ widget_component_info.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comIWSS\*.* \FileGroup504\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\config\ synTabAndWidget.ini n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\inc\ config.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modTmcmCriticalEvents\ modTmcmCriticalEvents.css n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modTmcmRansomwarePrevention\ modTmcmRansomwarePrevention.css n/a module-min.js n/a module.js n/a widget.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modTmcmRansomwarePrevention\img\ ico-email.png n/a ico-ransomware.png n/a ico-traffic.png n/a ico-unauthorized.png n/a ico-website.png n/a loading_32.gif n/a wicon_default.png n/a widget_preview.png n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modTmcmRansomwarePrevention\lang\ en_US.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modTmcmRansomwarePrevention\lib\ template.js n/a \FileGroup505\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\proxy\modDDEI\ Proxy.php n/a \FileGroup506\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\proxy\modDeepSecurity\ Proxy.php n/a scheduler.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modDSComponentSummary\help\en_US\ help.html n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modDSFeatureSummary\help\en_US\ help.html n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widget\modDSStatusSummary\help\en_US\ help.html n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comDeepSecurityManager\ component.xml n/a \FileGroup507\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\ controller.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\inc\ config.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\inc\class\proxy\ HttpTalk.php n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\template\block\ afterBodyIncludeJsFiles.tpl.php n/a \FileGroup508\ WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comOSCEBMS\ component.js n/a component.xml n/a WebUI\WebApp\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp0000\widgetComponent\comOSCEBMS\lang\ en_US.xml n/a 2. Documentation Set ====================================================================== In addition to this readme.txt, the documentation set for this product includes the following: o Readme.txt -- basic installation, known issues, release history and contact information o Electronic versions of the printed manuals are available at: http://www.trendmicro.com/download 3. System Requirements ====================================================================== Trend Micro recommends installing Control Manager 6.0 Service Pack 3 before installing this hot fix. 4. Installation/Uninstallation ====================================================================== 4.1 Installation =================================================================== To install this hot fix, run "tmcm_60_sp3_patch1_win_en_hfb3328.exe" on the Control Manager server. A confirmation dialog box displays "Installation successful!" after the system completes the installation. 4.2 Uninstallation =================================================================== To roll back to the previous Control Manager 6.0 build: 1. Obtain the hot fix backup path information from the registry key: \HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\TrendMicro\TVCS\Hotfix\B3328 \Backup Dir 2. Open the backup folder. For example: C:\Program files\Trend Micro\Control Manager\HotFix\Bxxxx-B3328 3. Double-click "Uninstall.bat". A confirmation dialog box displays "Uninstallation successful!" after the system completes the rollback process. Control Manager 6.0 service packs, patches, and hot fixes can be found on the Trend Micro web site or obtained from a technical support engineer. http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=7 5. Post-installation Configuration ====================================================================== No post-installation steps are required. Note: Trend Micro recommends that you update your scan engine and virus pattern files immediately after installing this hot fix. 6. Known Issues ====================================================================== There are no known issues for this hot fix release. 7. Release History ====================================================================== See the following web site for more information about updates to this product: http://www.trendmicro.com/download 7.1 Prior Hot Fixes =================================================================== NOTE: Only the new hot fix was tested for this release. Prior hot fixes were tested at the time of their release. Hot Fix 3222 Issue: Users want to import or add Active Directory (AD) accounts that contain special characters such as carets ("^"). However, the system does not accept these types of characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix ensures that users can import or add AD accounts that contain special characters such as carets ("^"). Hot Fix 3223 Issue: Users encounter an exception error while syncing with the Active Directory (AD) server. This occurs when the syncing process encounters corrupted data. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix ensures that users can sync information with the AD server without issues. Hot Fix 3230 Enhancement: This hot fix enables Control Manager to record the IP information of users when they log onto or log off from the Control Manager web console. This information will be saved in the table that contains all user access records and will appear in debug logs in debug mode. Users can retrieve the information from the "AdHocQuery > Product Information > Control Manager Information > User Access Information" page of the Control Manager web console. Hot Fix 3231 Enhancement: This hot fix enables users to download the "Advanced Threat Scan Engine (Windows, 64-bit)" component from the Control Manager 6.0 web console. Hot Fix 3232 Issue: When Control Manager retrieves data from a product server, it uses only one of the IP addresses in the product server's IP address list to connect to the server. As a result, Control Manager may not be able to connect to product servers with multiple IP addresses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix enables Control Manager to try all IP/ Hostname/FQDN from the IP address list of product servers to help ensure that it can connect to and retrieve information from product servers. Hot Fix 3233 Issue: When Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector strips email attachments, Control Manager indicates the action result as "quarantine". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix ensures that Control Manager indicates the correct action results. Hot Fix 3234 Issue: Users cannot view the "Process" information in C&C syslog notifications. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix ensures that users can view the "Process" information in C&C syslog notifications. Hot Fix 3235 Issue: Users receive an error message when adding and generating a scheduled report. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that users can add and generate scheduled reports. Hot Fix 3236 Enhancement: This hotfix adds the "OfficeScan Domain Hierarchy" column in the "Ad Hoc Query > Detailed Spyware/ Grayware Information" page to display the domain tree path of OfficeScan clients. Hot Fix 3237 Issue: The Users/Endpoint with Threats widget displays inaccurate and outdated information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that the Users/Endpoint with Threats widget displays complete, accurate, and up-to-date information. Hot Fix 3238 Issue: When users access the "License Management > Managed Product" page of the Control Manager web console, Control Manager calls the SQL function "fn_Split" which uses SQL recursive queries. This may trigger an exception if the queried data is larger than the limitation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix prevents the exception by enabling Control Manager to use the "fn_Split_Long" function which can handle more information than the "fn_Split" function. Hot Fix 3239 Issue: Users are directed to a blank page after logging on to the Control Manager console. This issue happens because Control Manager refers to the "m_ExtraMenuLandingPage" flag instead of the "m_DefaultMenuLandingPage" flag to display the dashboard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix resolves the issue by enabling Control Manager to refer to the "m_DefaultMenuLandingPage" flag to display the dashboard. Hot Fix 3240 Enhancement: This hotfix enables Control Manager to add the hostname information into web security violation logs in syslog. Hot Fix 3241 Issue: The AU program file signature checking feature requires certificates that may not be available in certain environments. As a result, Control Manager will not be able to apply updates in these environments. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix provides a way to configure the AU program file signature checking feature so that Control Manager can apply updates in environments that do not have the certificates that this feature requires. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procedure: To configure the AU program file signature checking feature: a. Install this hotfix (see "Installation"). b. Open the "aucfg.ini" file in the Control Manager installation directory. c. Add the "check_file_signature" key and set its value to "1" (enable) or "0" (disable). "check_file_signature=1" "check_file_signature=0" d. Save the changes and close the file. e. Restart Control Manager services. Hot Fix 3246 Issue: The Log Forwarder Tool is affected by several issues. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix updates the Log Forwarder Tool in Control Manager 6.0 to make the following changes. - Spyware/Grayware Logs: The "dhost" cef key now adds the Trend Micro OfficeScan(TM) endpoint hostname instead of the OfficeScan server hostname. - Suspicious File Logs: The "rt" cef key now adds the Log Generation Time in UTC format. - C&C Callback Logs: The "spt" cef key has been removed from these logs because the endpoint port information is no longer used. - Debug Logs: Successful debug logs now display the correct severity. - Tool Console: - The copyright information on the tool console is changed to "2016". - Start/stop warning messages are updated. - The log names on the tool console have been changed to: - C&C Callback - Suspicious File - Network Content Inspection - Virus/Malware - Content Security - Spyware/Grayware Enhancement: This hotfix installs the Widget Account Replicator Tool which replicates the Dashboard settings and Server Visibility settings from a specific account to other existing accounts, roles, and new accounts. To replicate the settings to existing accounts, administrators can specify the source account and then specify one or more existing accounts or roles as targets. Users do not need to reconfigure the Dashboard settings or provide the product's account and password for all target accounts and roles. To replicate the settings to new accounts, administrators can specify the source account and provide a new account list. This tool can help to create new local accounts or import new Active Directory (AD) accounts from the AD server and apply the Dashboard settings and Server Visibility settings of the source account to the new accounts. Hot Fix 3249 Issue: The "Scheduled Download" page displays downloadable components in a mapping table that shows how these different components are related which allows users to pick which components to download. However, some unexpected data such as duplicate component IDs in the mapping table can cause Control Manager 6.0 to stop unexpectedly while processing the information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix removes the unexpected data and allows Control Manager to filter out unexpected data from the mapping table more efficiently. Hot Fix 3250 Issue: The Agent Connection Status widget in Control Manager 6.0 provides a way for users to query information about all managed products. However, the widget does not display TMEE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that the Agent Connection Status widget displays all registered TMEE. Hot Fix 3251 Issue: An issue prevents Control Manager 6.0 from synchronizing Trend Micro OfficeScan(TM) clients and domains if the time difference between Control Manager and the OfficeScan server is not a multiple of 60 minutes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that the "Synchronize OfficeScan clients and domains" feature works normally in any time zone. Hot Fix 3252 Enhancement: This hotfix enables Control Manager to record all maintenance access logs instead of recording a specific number of logs for each log type. Users can query the logs through the "AdHoc Query > Product Information > User Access Information" page of the Control Manager web console. Note: This hotfix changes the information in the "Activity" column of the log query results. Instead of displaying the specific action for each log type, it will now display the action of all log types in general. This means, that users will no longer be able to filter a specific log type through the "Activity" column. To query a certain log type, use the "Description" column which contains the log type information. Hot Fix 3258 Issue: The widget setting will be stored separately if domain user uses different way to logon TMCM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures there is only one widget setting if domain user logon TMCM with different ways. Hot Fix 3259 Enhancement: This hotfix adds a password complexity verification feature in Control Manager 6.0 to check the strength of passwords during new account registration or change of account password. This new password complexity verification feature is based on the following: A. Not contain the user's account name B. Be at least six characters in length C. Contain characters from three of the following four categories: - English uppercase characters (A through Z) - English lowercase characters (a through z) - Base 10 digits (0 through 9) - Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procedure: To enable the password complexity verification feature: a. Install this hotfix (see "Installation"). b. Open the "SystemConfiguration.xml" file using a text editor. c. Locate or add the "m_strIsCheckPwdComplexity" key and set its value to "1". Note: To disable the feature, set "m_strIsCheckPwdComplexity=0". d. Save the changes and close the file. e. Restart Control Manager. Hot Fix 3260 Issue: Control Manager does not recognize the new ID "200" in the policy column of Behavior Monitoring Logs from OfficeScan which should stand for "Unauthorized File Encryption". As a result, Control Manager cannot display the correct description. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix enables Control Manager to recognize ID "200" which ensures that it displays the correct description in the policy column of OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring Logs. Hot Fix 3261 Issue: The following policy settings for OfficeScan in Control Manager 6.0 do not work on Windows 10: - Additional Service Settings - Web Reputation Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that the following OfficeScan policy settings in Control Manager 6.0 support and work normally on Windows 10: - Additional Service Settings - Web Reputation Settings Hot Fix 3262 Issue: An issue prevents Control Manager 6.0 from deploying DLP polices to IMSVA 9.1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that Control Manager can deploy DLP polices to IMSVA 9.1 without issues. Hot Fix 3263 Issue: During product registration, Control Manager uses several SQL functions to handle and insert product information into the relevant database tables. Sometimes, Control Manager may receive incorrectly-formatted information which certain SQL functions may not be able to handle. As a result, the information that appear on the Control Manager web console may not match the information on the registered product console. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix updates the SQL functions to enable these to handle incorrectly-formatted information from products during registration. This can help ensure that the product information on the Control Manager web console is consistent with the information on the registered product console. Hot Fix 3264 Issue: Users can create and add new DLP templates on the "Policy Resources > DLP Templates" page of the Control Manager web console. However, an issue related to the template definition function may prevent products that use newly-created templates from retrieving the correct action settings. As a result, these products cannot perform the specified actions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix resolves the template definition issue to ensure that products can successfully apply user-defined DLP templates. Hot Fix 3265 Issue: In "Web security violation" event logs, the %computer% token displays the hostname of the product server instead of the client's hostname. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that the %computer% token displays the client's hostname in "Web security violation" event logs. Hot Fix 3268 Issue: It may take Control Manager a long time to generate some reports that use certain stored procedures and SQL functions which may result in a connection timeout issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix improves the SQL functions to reduce the report generation time and extends the default SQL connection timeout value. Hot Fix 3271 Issue: On the Control Manager console, the wrong "Action/Action result" information appears in Malware/Virus logs from OfficeScan 11.0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix ensures that the correct "Action/Action result" information appears on Malware/Virus logs from OfficeScan 11.0. Hot Fix 3272 Issue 1: When Control Manager uses Microsoft(TM) Windows(TM) authentication to establish a connection to the database, users will only be able to run the LogForwarder tool once and will not be able to launch it again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 1: This hotfix ensures that users can run the LogForwarder tool normally when Control Manager uses Windows authentication to connect to the database. Issue 2: When the LogForwarder tool sends syslogs, it uses the ICMP protocol to ping the configured destination server to check if it can connect to it. However, some servers do not respond to ping requests because of the firewall settings but are still able to receive syslogs, as a result, LogForwarder does not send syslogs to these servers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 2: This hotfix adds a switch to allow the tool to bypass the ping destination server checking rule when sending syslogs. Issue 3: When Control Manager launches LogForwarder tool, it first checks if the tool file is in the Control Manager root folder. However, when the value of the "HomeDirectory" registry key is an upper case or lower case variant of the root folder path, for example "D:\" and "d:\", Control Manager will not be able to launch the tool. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 3: This hotfix updates the file path checking mechanism to and make it case-insensitive. NOTE: You need to stop the LogForwarder service by pressing the "Stop" button on the LogForwarder console, and close the LogForwarder console before installing this hotfix. Hot Fix 3273 Enhancement: This hotfix enables Control Manager to keep a record of each time a user fails to log on to the web console and allows user to view the logs through the "AdHocQuery > Control Manager Information > User Access Information" page. Hot Fix 3274 Issue 1: In the Help page, users can input any URL to view the input URL HTTP response code. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 1: This hotfix ensures that the Help page only displays the input URL HTTP response code when users specify "doc.trendmicro.com". Issue 2: The PHP session cookie is not protected by an HTTPOnly flag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 2: This hotfix secures the PHP session cookie by enabling Control Manager 6.0 to add the HTTPOnly flag to it. Hot Fix 3277 Issue: The Control Manager 6.0 program is affected by XXE vulnerabilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix improves the way Control Manager filters input parameters to remove the vulnerabilities and protect against attacks. Hot Fix 3280 Issue: "CasProcessor.exe" stops unexpectedly which prevents child Control Managers from uploading logs to parent Control Manager. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix prevents "CasProcessor.exe" from stopping unexpectedly to ensure that child Control Manager can upload logs to parent Control Manager. Hot Fix 3280 Enhancement : This hotfix adds a new dashboard widget that displays the ransomware detection statistics in different layers. Hot Fix 3280 Enhancement : This hotfix raises the severity of the ransomware threat type to Severity 1 in the Critical Threats Widget, Users with Threats Widget, and Endpoints with Threats Widget. Hot Fix 3280 Enhancement : This hotfix enables Control Manager to display the file size information of violations in DLP logs sent from OfficeScan servers. Hot Fix 3289 Issue: Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention(TM) (DLP) logs from Trend Micro ScanMail(TM) for IBM(TM) Domino(TM) that contain long email addresses do not appear in the "DLP Incidents by User" widget. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that the "DLP Incidents by User" widget displays all applicable logs. Hot Fix 3291 Issue: Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention(TM) (DLP) logs from Trend Micro ScanMail(TM) for IBM(TM) Domino(TM) that contain long email addresses do not appear in the "DLP Incidents by User" widget. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that the "DLP Incidents by User" widget displays all applicable logs. Hot Fix 3299 Issue 1: When users run a new ad hoc query through the "Logs > New Ad Hoc Query" page of the Control Manager web console, the Control Manager web server may not return all the relevant information from the XML file. Modifying the "XPATH" parameter in the HTTP request may trigger certain vulnerabilities that could cause the web server to return the entire XML file unexpectedly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 1: This hotfix updates the function that retrieves information from the web server to improve its checking mechanism and prevent it from returning any unexpected data. Issue 2: The "Logs > Saved Ad Hoc Query" page of the Control Manager web console may be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 2: This hotfix updates the function that retrieves information from the web server to help protect against SQL injection attacks. Hot Fix 3300 Issue: When an OfficeScan Server registers to Control Manager, it automatically sends agent information so users can access the information on the "Products" page of the Control Manager console. Each OfficeScan agent uses the computer name displayed on the OfficeScan web console and the same information appears on the Control Manager web console under the "Display Name" and "Host Name" columns. However, if an OfficeScan agent changes its computer name, users will be able to see the updated computer name in the "Host Name" column but the "Display Name" does not change. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix updates a function to ensure that changes to the "Display Name" are also applied to the "Host Name" column. Hot Fix 3301 Enhancement: This hotfix enables Control Manager to add C&C information into Message Detection Logs for Deep Discovery Email Inspector. Hot Fix 3310 Enhancement 1: After automatically deploying the URL/API key to Deep Security 10.0, the Deep Security administrator can see the URL/API key in Control Manager through the following Deep Security console: "Administration > System Settings > Connected Threat Defense". Enhancement 2: The managed Deep Security server sends file hash detection logs to Control Manager. Hot Fix 3311 Issue 1: The Control Manager 6.0 program is affected by multiple vulnerabilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 1: This hotfix improves the way Control Manager filters input parameters to remove the vulnerabilities and protect against attacks. Issue 2: Control Manager finds possible DOS vulnerabilities in the Dashboard and Ad Hoc Query. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 2: This hotfix improves the way Control Manager filters input parameters to remove the vulnerabilities and protect against attacks. Issue 3: Control Manager displays information disclosure vulnerabilities on the Dashboard and Error Pages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 3: The hotfix resolves the vulnerability issue. Issue 4: Control Manager finds possible SQL injection vulnerabilities in the Dashboard, Ad Hoc Query, and Scheduled Download. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 4: This hotfix improves the way Control Manager filters input parameters to remove the vulnerabilities and protect against attacks. Hot Fix 3313 Issue: In the Deep Discovery Inspector (DDI) Single Sign-on (SSO) web console, Control Manager displays a "404" response error when users click on the Delete button of the CPR pattern in the RDQA page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix resolves the "404" error issue when users click on the Delete button of the CPR pattern in the RDQA page (within the SSO DDI web console). Hot Fix 3316 Issue: The "DCSProcessor.exe" contains an issue wherein it increases the size of the TempDB transaction log. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix resolves the issue. Hot Fix 3317 Issue: If a user account in a user role does not have menu privileges on the proxy settings, Control Manager forces the account to log out after browsing the "Update > Manual Download page" and then clicking any item. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hot fix ensures that user accounts run correctly even when this situation occurs. Hot Fix 3318 Enhancement: This hotfix enables the following Behavior Monitoring Settings in OfficeScan Agent policy setting: - Enable Malware Behavior Blocking, threats to block: Known and potential threats - Protect documents against unauthorized encryption or modification - Automatically back up files changed by suspicious programs (newly added feature) - Enable program inspection to detect and block compromised executable files (Server platforms excluded)(newly added feature) Hot Fix 3319 Enhancements: Control Manager now supports Deep Discovery Analyzer (DDAN) 5.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Administrators can add DDAN 5.5 SP1 from the "Managed Server" screen. Hot Fix 3320 Issue: Control Manager allows products to register to it and assigns a machine ID to each product by combining the machine name and MAC address to distinguish between machines. However, duplicate machine names may appear with the same MAC addresses, as a result, some procedures may not work normally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix enables Control Manager to update the machine IDs with the latest information to prevent duplicate IDs. Hot Fix 3321 Issue: Control Manager is able to deliver commands to its managed products, and these managed products perform further actions based on the commands these products receive. The managed products respond back to Control Manager with regard to the status of the deployment. However, the time zoom settings might cause Control Manager to treat the response of the managed product as out-of-date and ignore it until a command timeout occurs, displaying an "Unsuccessful" message on the Control Manager web console. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This hotfix enhances some mechanisms to avoid out-of- date status from occurring. 8. Contact Information ====================================================================== A license to the Trend Micro software usually includes the right to product updates, pattern file updates, and basic technical support for one (1) year from the date of purchase only. After the first year, Maintenance must be renewed on an annual basis at Trend Micro's then-current Maintenance fees. You can contact Trend Micro via fax, phone, and email, or visit us at: http://www.trendmicro.com Evaluation copies of Trend Micro products can be downloaded from our web site. Global Mailing Address/Telephone numbers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For global contact information in the Asia/Pacific region, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, and Canada, refer to: http://www.trendmicro.com/en/about/overview.htm The Trend Micro "About Us" screen displays. Click the appropriate link in the "Contact Us" section of the screen. Note: This information is subject to change without notice. 9. About Trend Micro ====================================================================== As a global leader in cloud security, Trend Micro develops Internet content security and threat management solutions that make the world safe for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information. With over 20 years of experience, Trend Micro provides top-ranked client, server, and cloud-based solutions that stop threats faster and protect data in physical, virtualized, and cloud environments. As new threats and vulnerabilities emerge, Trend Micro remains committed to helping customers secure data, ensure compliance, reduce costs, and safeguard business integrity. For more information, visit: http://www.trendmicro.com Trend Micro, the t-ball logo, InterScan, OfficeScan, ScanMail, Data Loss Prevention, Deep Security, ServerProtect, and Control Manager are trademarks or registered trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated. All other product or company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. Copyright 2015, Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved. 10. License Agreement ====================================================================== Information about your license agreement with Trend Micro can be viewed at: http://us.trendmicro.com/us/about/company/user_license_agreements/ Third-party licensing agreements can be viewed: - By selecting the "About" option in the application user interface - By referring to the "Legal" page of the Getting Started Guide or Administrator's Guide