<> Trend Micro Incorporated March 18th, 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trend Micro(TM) InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance 6.5 - Service Pack 3-Patch2 English - Linux - 64 Bits Critical Patch - Build 3367 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents ================================================================ 1. Overview of This Critical Patch Release 1.1. Issues 1.2. Files Included in This Release 2. Documentation Set 3. System Requirements 4. Installation 4.1. Installing 4.2. Uninstalling 5. Post-installation Configuration 6. Known Issues 7. Release History 8. Contact Information 9. About Trend Micro 10. License Agreement ================================================================ 1. Overview of This Critical Patch Release ======================================================================== 1.1. Issues ==================================================================== This Critical Patch resolves the following issue(s): (VRTS-10363), Issue 1: A potential Cross-Site Scripting Privilege Escalation Vulnerability is found in InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 1: This critical patch resolves the issue to protect against the vulnerability. (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11649), Issue 2: A potential directory traversal vulnerability is found in InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance's Admin Console that may allow authenticated users to delete arbitrary files. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 2: This critical patch updates the related modules to resolve this issue. (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11474), (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11674), (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11675), (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11677), (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11682), Issue 3: An Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity weakness is found in InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance's Admin Console that may allow authenticated users to change an internal file directory for file uploads. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 3: This critical patch resolves the issue to enhance product security. (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11155), Issue 4: Apache Tomcat used by InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance (IWSVA) 6.5 SP3 is affected by CVE-2023-42794. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 4: This critical patch solves this vulnerability claim. (VRTSJIRACLOUD-11156), Issue 5: Apache Tomcat used by InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance (IWSVA) 6.5 SP3 is affected by CVE-2023-42795 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 5: This critical patch solves this vulnerability claim. (pct-15210), Issue 6: This hotfix updates the default HTTPS Decryption certificate located in /var/iwss/https/certstore/new_default_ca because the original certificate will expire on April 27, 2024. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution 6: This critical patch solves this issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procedure 6: To use the new default CA: 1. Install this hotfix. For details, see "Installation". 2. Login to the Linux console of IWSVA as the root user. 3. Stop all the IWSVA services by running the following command: # /etc/iscan/rcIwss stop 4. Copy the new CA files by running the following commands: # cd /var/iwss/https/certstore/new_default_ca # cp default.cer ../https_ca/default.cer # cp default_key.cer ../https_ca/default_key.cer # cp .default.passphrase ../https_ca/.default.passphrase 5. Clear the current resigned certificate cache by running the following commands: # cd /var/iwss/https/certstore/cache/ # rm -f resigned_cert 6. Restart all the IWSVA services by running the following command: # /etc/iscan/rcIwss start 1.2. Files Included in This Release ==================================================================== A. Files for Current Issues ------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename Build No. --------------------------------------------------------------- libdaemon.so 3367 svcmonitor 3367 isdelvd 3367 Files for Issue 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- IWSSGui.jar 3367 Files for Issue 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- IWSSGui.jar 3367 Files for Issue 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- IWSSGui.jar 3367 CSRFGuard.properties 3367 Files for Issue 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- annotations-api.jar 3367 catalina-ant.jar 3367 catalina-ha.jar 3367 catalina.jar 3367 catalina-ssi.jar 3367 catalina-storeconfig.jar 3367 catalina-tribes.jar 3367 commons-beanutils.jar 3367 commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 3367 commons-digester.jar 3367 commons-fileupload.jar 3367 commons-io.jar 3367 commons-logging-1.2.jar 3367 ecj-4.20.jar 3367 el-api.jar 3367 jasper-el.jar 3367 jasper.jar 3367 jaspic-api.jar 3367 jsp-api.jar 3367 servlet-api.jar 3367 tomcat-api.jar 3367 tomcat-coyote.jar 3367 tomcat-dbcp.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-cs.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-de.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-es.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-fr.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-ja.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-ko.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-pt-BR.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-ru.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-zh-CN.jar 3367 tomcat-jdbc.jar 3367 tomcat-jni.jar 3367 tomcat-util.jar 3367 tomcat-util-scan.jar 3367 tomcat-websocket.jar 3367 Files for Issue 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- annotations-api.jar 3367 catalina-ant.jar 3367 catalina-ha.jar 3367 catalina.jar 3367 catalina-ssi.jar 3367 catalina-storeconfig.jar 3367 catalina-tribes.jar 3367 commons-beanutils.jar 3367 commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 3367 commons-digester.jar 3367 commons-fileupload.jar 3367 commons-io.jar 3367 commons-logging-1.2.jar 3367 ecj-4.20.jar 3367 el-api.jar 3367 jasper-el.jar 3367 jasper.jar 3367 jaspic-api.jar 3367 jsp-api.jar 3367 servlet-api.jar 3367 tomcat-api.jar 3367 tomcat-coyote.jar 3367 tomcat-dbcp.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-cs.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-de.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-es.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-fr.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-ja.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-ko.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-pt-BR.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-ru.jar 3367 tomcat-i18n-zh-CN.jar 3367 tomcat-jdbc.jar 3367 tomcat-jni.jar 3367 tomcat-util.jar 3367 tomcat-util-scan.jar 3367 tomcat-websocket.jar 3367 Files for Issue 6 ------------------------------------------------------------- default_key.cer 3367 default.cer 3367 2. Documentation Set ======================================================================== To download or view electronic versions of the documentation set for this product, go to http://docs.trendmicro.com - Online Help: The Online Help contains an overview of features and key concepts, and information on configuring and maintaining the product. To access the Online Help, go to http://docs.trendmicro.com - Installation Guide (IG): The Installation Guide contains information on requirements and procedures for installing and deploying the product. - Administrator's Guide (AG): The Administrator's Guide contains an overview of features and key concepts, and information on configuring and maintaining the product. - Getting Started Guide (GSG): The Getting Started Guide contains product overview, installation planning, installation and configuration instructions, and basic information intended to get the product 'up and running'. - Support Portal: The Support Portal contains information on troubleshooting and resolving known issues. - To access the Support Portal, go to http://success.trendmicro.com 3. System Requirements ======================================================================== 1. InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance 6.5 SP3-Patch1 Build 3310 - English - Linux - x64 2. InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance 6.5 SP3-Patch2 Build 3352 - English - Linux - x64 4. Installation ======================================================================== This section explains key steps for installing the Critical Patch. 4.1. Installing ==================================================================== To install: 1. Download the "iwsva_6.5-sp3_ar64_en_criticalpatch_b3367.zip" patch file onto your local hard disk. 2. Log on to the IWSVA admin console GUI. 3. Go to the "Administration > System Updates" page. 4. Click "Browse". 5. Browse your local hard disk for the patch file and click "Open". 6. Click "Upload". Your browser uploads the patch file to IWSVA and IWSVA validates if the file is a legitimate patch. 7. Click "Install". Note: Applying this patch will interrupt the HTTP and FTP services for several minutes. Plan appropriately for this downtime. 4.2. Uninstalling ==================================================================== To roll back to the previous build: 1. Log on to the IWSVA admin console GUI. 2. Go to the "Administration > System Updates" page. 3. Click "Uninstall" next to "cpb3367". A confirmation page appears. 4. Verify the patch ID and description on the confirmation page. 5. Click "Uninstall". Note: Removing this patch will interrupt the HTTP and FTP services for several minutes. Plan appropriately for this downtime. 5. Post-installation Configuration ======================================================================== No post-installation steps are required. Note: Trend Micro recommends that you update your scan engine and virus pattern files immediately after installing the product. 6. Known Issues ======================================================================== Known issues in this release: #1 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] This happens when IWSVA uses multiple authentication servers, and the Active Directory domain is configured before any other type of server. To fix this known issue, delete the Active Directory domain only, and configure it again. #2 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] Some applications use HTTPS. Under this scenario, HTTPS decryption for this app URL must be enabled, otherwise, HTTPS-based applications cannot be blocked. For example, Yahoo mail uses HTTPS for Internet Explorer 10, Firefox 23, and Chrome 30.0. To keep granular application control working, an HTTPS decryption policy must be set. 1. Add a customized category in "HTTP > Configuration > Customized Categories". For example, "appcontrol". Add the application's connection URLs and URL keywords. 2. Enable HTTPS decryption and select a category to be decrypted. Such as: "HTTPS Decryption > Policies", enable "HTTPS Decryption". Select the URL category for "appcontrol" to be decrypted. #3 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] If LDAP authentication is enabled in the bridge or WCCP mode, HTTPS requests will not trigger an LDAP query. If there are no HTTP requests to do an LDAP authentication on before the HTTPS is requested to set up the IP-user cache, HTTPS will not be able to do the user-based policy match. It will use "IP" or "Unknown" as the username. #4 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] Log server mode triggers only log sources sending logs to the log server. For related configurations, log filtering settings, anonymous logging, and HTTPS tunneling settings will not take effect on the log sources as their configurations cannot be automatically synchronized between log servers and log sources. If those features are needed, it is strongly recommended to use replication configuration and make the log server a configuration replication source as well. Use the "Manual Replication," and select "Policy & Configuration Replication" to sync both policies and configurations from the log server to the log sources. #5 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] HTTPS Decryption Limitation 1. When visiting HTTPS sites by IP address in bridge mode, the HTTPS requests will be tunneled. The workaround is to change the "client_hello_no_host_tunnel=no" key in the "intscan.ini" file. 2. For Windows XP+IE8, HTTPS will not do decryption in bridge mode. The workaround is to change the "client_hello_no_host_tunnel=no"key in the "intscan.ini" file. #6 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] When Directory Settings are configured, IWSVA synchronizes with the listed LDAP server every 24 hours. When an LDAP user/group is added to the directory server, the change takes effect when the next synchronization cycle begins. For faster synchronization with the LDAP server, do a Manual Sync with the LDAP server. * On the "User Identification" page, click the "Sync with LDAP servers" button. #7 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] Firefox users see a certification exception dialog when attempting to access HTTPS URLs with an IPv6 address in DNS. Workarounds include: * Use the host name of the IPV6 server. * Do not use the IP address to access HTTPS-related IPV6 web sites. * Use IE or Chrome web browsers to access the site. #8 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] In reverse proxy mode, traffic cannot be forwarded to IPv6 servers with a link-local address. End-users cannot access the web server and will not be protected by IWSVA. The workaround is to use a global IPV6 address for the protected server behind IWSVA. #9 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] Safari has a more stringent certificate-checking mechanism and does not accept IWSVA Captive Portal's default certificate. Workaround: Do not use Safari to surf the Internet through IWSVA, or deactivate cookie mode. #10 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] The "show network interfaces status" command is a function of IWSVA CLISH. It helps an administrator check the current interface status. If the administrator does not type anything in CLISH within 900 seconds, CLISH cannot quit the usual way through the console. The administrator can use the "killall" and "shownic" commands to quit. To stop the current timeout process: 1. Change to another console by pressing ALT+F2. 2. Use the following "killall" command to end the timeout process. `killall -9 shownic` #11 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] This issue occurs when IWSVA 6.0 is connected to a switch at the same time another machine is connected to the same switch. That machine's MAC IP address will float between its real port and the IWSVA port. This only occurs in the Transparent Bridge mode. To fix this issue, add the MAC address filter option. To do this, access the "/etc/iscan/network.ini" file using the CLISH tool, and run one of the following commands: * add mac_filter=[mac address which you want to skip] or * add mac_filter!=[mac address which you want to scan] Then, type the command `service network restart` on console. #12 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] The Application Control feature only blocks new connections to the protocols specified in a new policy. If you deploy a new policy to block Skype after being logged on to Skype, then Skype is not blocked. However, if you log off Skype and then log on again, the policy works, and Skype is blocked. #13 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] This is caused by the time quota implementation method. The default quota unit is five minutes. Trend Micro recommends that administrators set the "Time quota" value to a multiple of five. Otherwise, IWSVA ignores the remainder if it is less than five. For example, if the value is set to four minutes, IWSVA interprets that as zero minutes. If the value is set to nine minutes, IWSVA interprets that as five minutes. The time quota setting depends on the system time. For example, if it is now 10:03 and the time quota = 5, the end user could only have access for two minutes. That happens because the time quota is split into five-minute increments (10:00-10:05, 10:05-10:10, etc.). Every five minutes, a new increment begins. #14 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] When you install IWSVA on a VMware ESX Virtual Machine, occasionally you might see the following error message: "Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) not within permissible range" This message is normal and safe to ignore. #15 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] If the machine cannot find a storage controller, the installer will check if the storage controller exists. If the storage controller does not exist, the installation will fail even if the minimum hardware requirements for memory and disk are met. The workaround is to skip the hardware check. To skip the hardware check: 1. When the "Minimum hardware requirements were not met" message is displayed, click "Next". 2. When the installation menu page appears, press "Tab" to open a command line. 3. Type "nohwfail" and press "Enter" to continue installing IWSVA. #16 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] For example, the HTTP connection will be reset by IWSVA if a browser keeps posting a large file and ignoring the HTTP 403 block page notification from IWSVA. In another example, the Google search page does not show any response if the query is blocked by the IWSVA query keyword filter. This happens when the Google search setting "Use Google Instant predictions and results appear while typing" is enabled. This is because the Google page uses AJAX to query data with a private format, not normal HTML. As a result, it ignores the IWSVA 403 block notification page. The block page is displayed correctly after "Google Instant" is disabled. In these examples, the HTTP Inspection filter is working correctly, content is blocked, but the user may not receive feedback explaining why the content is blocked because the browser cannot display the IWSVA notification. #17 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] If the time zone is UTC+4:30 or UTC+5:45, which is not the top of the hour. The data present on dashboard or log query data and raw log data might not sync with each other, but the log in database are correct. #18 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.0 GM B1200] When deployed in the Proxy Chain, the application control daemon cannot get the source IP to match the policy. This is a limitation. #19 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.1 Service Pack 1 B1080] This happens because the web console uses the HTTPS channel by default, and the Web browser is unable to download the PAC file. This known issue occurs if the client Web browser does not import the security certificate from the IWSVA web console, or the security certificate "host name" and "common name" do not match. To work around this issue, do the following: 1. Log on to the IWSVA web console, and navigate to the following location: "Administration > Network Configuration > Web Console". 2. Select Non-SSL mode, and click "Save" to save the settings. The web console redirects to the new URL (http://[iwsva_IP_address]:1812). 3. Update the download location for the PAC file in the web browser. To get the PAC file location, navigate on IWSVA web console to: "Administration > IWSVA Configuration > PAC Files Management". #20 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.2 Service Pack 2 B1548] IWSVA bandwidth control is implemented via Linux's traffic control subsystem, while content cache transfers the upstream traffic via the logical network interface, lo, which is not controlled by traffic control. As such, IWSVA bandwidth control does not control the upstream traffic which, instead, directs through lo. To work around this issue, disable content cache, and configure Apache Traffic Server (ATS) as an upstream proxy for IWSVA. #21 Known issue: [Reported at: IWSVA 6.5.3 Service Pack 3 B3257] IWSVA bandwidth control is implemented via Linux's traffic control subsystem, while content cache transfers the upstream traffic via the logical network interface, lo, which is not controlled by traffic control. As such, IWSVA bandwidth control does not control the upstream traffic which, instead, directs through lo. To work around this issue, disable content cache, and configure Apache Traffic Server (ATS) as an upstream proxy for IWSVA. 7. Release History ======================================================================== For more information about updates to this product, go to: http://www.trendmicro.com/download Prior Hotfixes ==================================================================== There are no prior hotfixes. 8. Contact Information ======================================================================== A license to Trend Micro software usually includes the right to product updates, pattern file updates, and basic technical support for one (1) year from the date of purchase only. After the first year, you must renew Maintenance on an annual basis at Trend Micro's then-current Maintenance fees. Contact Trend Micro via fax, phone, and email, or visit our website to download evaluation copies of Trend Micro products. https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/contact.html NOTE: This information is subject to change without notice. 9. About Trend Micro ======================================================================== Smart, simple, security that fits. As a global leader in IT security, Trend Micro develops innovative security solutions that make the world safe for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information. Copyright 2024, Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved. Trend Micro, the t-ball logo, OfficeScan, Trend Micro Security (for Mac), Control Manager, Trend Micro Apex One, and Trend Micro Apex Central are trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated and are registered in some jurisdictions. All other product or company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. 10. License Agreement ======================================================================== View information about your license agreement with Trend Micro at: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/about/legal.html Third-party licensing agreements can be viewed: - By selecting the "About" option in the application user interface - By referring to the "Legal" page of the Administrator's Guide