1. Hotfix Release Information

Resolved Known Issues

Trend Micro Apex Central™ as a Service

This Hotfix resolves the following issue(s):

Issue 1 (SEG-137943),

Users are unable to search for endpoints.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 2 (SEG-130297),

If more than one server is selected, the system is unable to generate a scheduled report.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 3 (SEG-140150),

An issue prevents users from generating one-time or scheduled reports.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 4 (SEG-137942),

In forwarded syslog entries, the dvchost value is an internal environment code instead of the hostname.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 5 (SEG-96936),

Inaccurate Product Status information appear in Log Query results.


This Hotfix ensures that the correct Product Status information appears in Log Query results.

Issue 6 (SEG-131455),

If the Approved_List section is configured in ADSyncOUList.config, Apex Central is unable to synchronize domains from Active Directory.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 7 (SEG-137887),

Two- factor authentication (2FA) is unsuccessful if user names do not contain more than three characters.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 8 (VRTS-4146),

A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability is found in the Policy Management module.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Issue 9 (SEG-121016),

In Apex Central as a Service, an issue prevents the system from performing a backup successfully.


This Hotfix resolves this issue.

Trend Micro Apex One™ as a Service

This Hotfix resolves the following issue(s):

Issue 1 (SEG-136571),

When searching for endpoints on the Agent Management screen, the Apex One server does not update the "Offline Time" information properly for Security Agent endpoints.


This Hotfix updates the Apex One server program to resolve this issue.

Issue 2 (SEG-132693),

An issue related to the Security Agent proxy settings may prevent users from manually transferring or re-establishing communication between Apex One Security Agents and Apex One as a Service using the IPXfer Utility.


This Hotfix updates the Apex One server tool "IPXfer.exe" to resolve this issue.

Issue 3 (SEG-135635),

When Data Loss Prevention (DLP) settings are configured in Security Agents to monitor sensitive data for printer devices, the system may generate false-positive Data Loss Protection alerts.


This Hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.

Issue 4 (SEG-137090),

An issue related to the Location Awareness feature may prevent Security Agents from applying Smart Protection Server settings properly.


This Hotfix updates the Apex One Security Agent program to resolve this issue.

Trend Micro Apex One™ (Mac) as a Service

This Hotfix resolves the following issue(s):

Issue 1 (PDGJIRA-2721),

After upgrading an endpoint running on macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or macOS 10.12 (Sierra) to a newer macOS version, the Apex One (Mac) Security Agent is unable to perform updates.


This Hotfix updates the agent macOS verification function in Apex One (Mac) to resolve this issue.


Trend Micro Apex Central™ as a Service

The following enhancements are included in this Hotfix:

Enhancement 1 (SEG-134515),

This Hotfix removes two CEF keys (cs1 and cs1Label) and adds a new CEF key (TMCMLogTarget) to enhance the Behavior Monitoring syslog content.

Enhancement 2 (SEG-124354),

This Hotfix enhances memory management to prevent LogRetriever.exe from becoming unresponsive.

Enhancement 3 (SEG-136327),

This Hotfix adds a new CEF key (deviceDirection) in the C&C Callbacks syslog to indicate network traffic direction (1: Inbound or 2: Outbound).

Enhancement 4 (SEG-137320),

This Hotfix updates the Data Loss Prevention Syslog feature to include log information for all DLP templates and DLP rules.

Enhancement 5 (PDGJIRA-1609),
  1. When Apex One Security Agent policy is deployed and the Endpoint Sensor agent is replaced with the XDR Endpoint Sensor agent on an endpoint, the Apex Central management console displays "XDR Endpoint Sensor Deployed" instead of "Endpoint Sensor Service deployed" for the policy description.
  2. When performing a search for endpoints on the Users/Endpoints screen with the "Endpoint Sensor Service Enable/Disable" search criteria, the system does not include endpoints with the XDR Endpoint Sensor agent installed in the search result.
Enhancement 6 (PDGJIRA-1606),

Apex Central can now synchronize Endpoint Sensor service status with the managed Apex One servers.

Trend Micro Apex One™ as a Service

The following enhancements are included in this Hotfix:

Enhancement 1 (VRTS-7018), (VRTS-7016),

This Hotfix updates the Inter-process communication (IPC) command authentication mechanism in Apex One Security Agent to enhance product security.

Enhancement 2 (PDGJIRA-1637), (PDGJIRA-1658),

This Hotfix enhances the detection capabilities of the Predictive Machine Learning module and CVE exploit scanning to scan Microsoft Office files downloaded through web and email channels.

Enhancement 3 (VRTS-7217), (VRTS-7124),

This Hotfix updates the ActiveUpdate (AU) module to version 2.86.4038 and the OpenSSL library in the module to version 1.1.1n to enhance product security.

Enhancement 4 (VRTS-7089), (VRTS-7134),

This Hotfix updates the Anti-Spyware Engine (SSAPI) to version to prevent a potential Privilege Escalation security issue.

Enhancement 5 (VRTS-6180), (VRTS-6176), (PDGJIRA-1539), (PDGJIRA-1559),

This Hotfix updates the Inter-process communication (IPC) command authentication mechanism for agent-server communication to enhance product security.

Enhancement 6 (SEG-136130),

This Hotfix updates the Apex One Common Firewall Drivers to version 5.83.1086.

Enhancement 7 (PDGJIRA-1185), (PDGJIRA-1216),

This Hotfix enables the telemetry monitor mechanism in Apex One to automatically generate and send logs for Apex One Security Agent restart events.

Enhancement 8 (SEG-134695), (PDGJIRA-1764),

This Hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring Core Service module to version 2.98.1799.

Enhancement 9 (PDGJIRA-1766),

This Hotfix updates the Advanced Threat Scan Engine (ATSE) to version 22.540.1001.

Enhancement 10 (VRTS-7124), (VRTS-7126),

This Hotfix updates the OpenSSL library in Apex One to version 1.1.1n and the cURL binary to version 7.82.0 to enhance product security.

Trend Micro Apex One™ (Mac) as a Service

The following enhancements are included in this Hotfix:

Enhancement 1 (PDGJIRA-2738),

This Hotfix adds the Trend Micro Cloud One Mac Agent module as a supplementary application.

Enhancement 2 (PDGJIRA-2740),

This Hotfix adds the Scheduled Scan agent count information to the BIF feedback data.

Additional Information

Trend Micro Apex Central™ as a Service

No additional information available.

Trend Micro Apex One™ as a Service

Security Agent version: 14.0.11520

Security Agent restart: Required

Estimated size of network traffic (in terms of bandwidth) required for deployment:

  • 32-bit Security Agent Hotfix = 295.4 MB
  • 64-bit Security Agent Hotfix = 381.2 MB

Trend Micro Apex One™ (Mac) as a Service

Security Agent Version: 3.5.5953

Security Agent Restart Requirement: Not required

Estimated size of network traffic (in terms of bandwidth) required for deployment:

64-bit Security Agent Hotfix = 213MB

Additional Requirements: Enable web browser extension (https://success.trendmicro.com/solution/000273346)

2. Documentation Set

    The document set includes:

  • Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ as a Service documents
    • Readme: Contains a list of known issues and may also contain late-breaking product information not found in the Online Help or printed documentation.
    • Knowledge Base: An online database of problem-solving and troubleshooting information. It provides the latest information about known product issues. To access the Knowledge Base, go to the following website: http://esupport.trendmicro.com
  • Trend Micro Apex Centralâ„¢ as a Service documents
    • Administrator's Guide: A PDF document that provides detailed instructions for how to configure and manage the Trend Micro Apex Centralâ„¢ as a Service console and features.
    • Data Protection Lists (Chapter 1 only): A PDF document that lists predefined data identifiers and templates for Data Loss Prevention.
    • Widget and Policy Management Guide: Explains how to configure Dashboard widgets and Policy Management widgets on the Trend Micro Apex Centralâ„¢ as a Service console.
    • Automation Center: Online user guides and references that explain how to use the Apex Central Automation APIs: https://automation.trendmicro.com/apex-central/home
    • Online Help: Provides "how to's", usage advice, and field-specific information. The Help is also accessible from the Trend Micro Apex Centralâ„¢ as a Service console.
  • Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ server documents
    • Administrator's Guide: A PDF document that discusses getting started information and Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ server administration.
    • Online Help: Provides "how to's", usage advice, and field-specific information. The Help is accessible from the Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ server, agent, and Policy Server consoles, and from the OfficeScan Master Setup.
  • Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ (Mac) server documents
    • Administrator's Guide: A PDF document that discusses getting started information and Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ (Mac) server administration.
    • Online Help: Provides "how to's", usage advice, and field-specific information for Trend Micro. The Help is also accessible from the Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ as a Service console.
  • Security Agent documents
    • Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ Security Agent Online Help: Discusses getting started information, Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ Security Agent installation procedures, and Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ Security Agent management.
    • Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ Security Agent Readme: Contains a list of known issues and may also contain late-breaking product information not found in the Online Help or printed documentation.
    • Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ (Mac) Security Agent Online Help: Discusses getting started information, Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ (Mac) Security Agent installation procedures, and Trend Micro Apex Oneâ„¢ (Mac) Security Agent management.

    Download the latest versions of the PDF documents and readme at our online documentation.

3. Post-installation Configuration

No post-installation steps are required.

NOTE: Trend Micro recommends that you update your scan engine and virus pattern files immediately after installing the product.

4. Known Issues

Trend Micro Apex Central™ as a Service

There are no known issues for this Hotfix release.

Trend Micro Apex One™ as a Service

Known issues in this release:

Known issue 1

Security Agent consoles running build 13.95 display an incorrect policy name. To resolve this issue, upgrade the Security Agent to 14.0. After the Security Agent contacts the server, the policy name displays correctly.

Known issue 2

Off-premises and Security Agents in Independent mode cannot update the Certified Safe Software Pattern from external update sources.

Known issue 3

Coexist mode Security Agents on endpoints with Windows Defender may experience installation issues or be unable to upload data to the Apex One server due to a file locking issue. To resolve this issue, add Endpoint Sensor (ESEServiceShell.exe and ESClient.exe) in the exclusions list of Windows Defender to prevent the locking issue.

Known issue 4

After copying a file to a remote server using a relative path as the source, Apex One is unable to translate the relative path into the full system directory.

Known issue 5

The quality of RCA analysis chain image files is reduced when viewing the files using Windows 10 Photo Viewer.

Known issue 6

When attempting to start a Historical Investigation from the Attack Discovery Detections widget that includes Registry value name or Registry value data criteria, the Historical Investigation displays an error message if the length of the Registry value name exceeds 260 characters or the Registry value data exceeds 64 characters.

Known issue 7

After updating the Attack Discovery Pattern file (tmesadp.ptn) on Security Agents, a database schema error may occur that causes the Endpoint Sensor feature to continuously report the same detections to the server during each synchronization. This causes duplicate records to display on the Apex Central server.

Known issue 8

Root Cause Analysis email attachment results may also include temporary files created when the user saved the file.

Known issue 9

The number of matched endpoints that display on a Root Cause Analysis chain may appear to be greater than the total if the Security Agent on an endpoint was uninstalled or no longer reports to the same managing server.

Known issue 10

The Endpoint Sensor service may have high memory usage.

Known issue 11

The Endpoint Sensor may have high peak CPU usage occasionally.

Known issue 12

Endpoint Sensor has CPU peak during Windows Update phase.

Known issue 13

The user or account name in ADE detection may be empty.

Known issue 14

The EC module may stop responding while handling NULL data which may cause the ESEService and ADE functionality to behave abnormally.

Known issue 15
In rare conditions, ESEService stops responding while unloading.

Trend Micro Apex One™ (Mac) as a Service

Known issues in this release:

Known issue 1

After enabling the Scan Time Machine option for Manual Scan and Scheduled Scan, Apex One (Mac) cannot perform any actions (clean, quarantine, or delete) on detected malware threats due to a permission limitation in Mac OS. Configured scan actions are displayed as unsuccessful in the product logs.

Known issue 2

When performing a historical investigation on Apex One (Mac) endpoints, the system replaces a slash (/) with a colon (:) in file names, preventing users from searching for file names that contain backslashes in investigation results.

To resolve this issue, use a colon (:) to search for the files.

5. Contact Information

A license to Trend Micro software usually includes the right to product updates, pattern file updates, and basic technical support for one (1) year from the date of purchase only. After the first year, you must renew Maintenance on an annual basis at Trend Micro's then-current Maintenance fees.

Contact Trend Micro via fax, phone, and email, or visit our website to download evaluation copies of Trend Micro products.


NOTE: This information is subject to change without notice.

6. About Trend Micro

Smart, simple, security that fits

As a global leader in IT security, Trend Micro develops innovative security solutions that make the world safe for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information.

Copyright 2020, Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Trend Micro, Trend Micro Apex Central, Trend Micro Apex One, Trend Micro Apex One (Mac) and the t-ball logo are trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated and are registered in some jurisdictions. All other marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

7. License Agreement

View information about your license agreement with Trend Micro at: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/about/legal.html

Third-party licensing agreements can be viewed:

  • By selecting the "About" option in the application user interface
  • By referring to the "Legal" page of the Administrator's Guide
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