This Critical Patch resolves the following issue(s):
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) feature cannot block Adobe™ Acrobat™ Reader DC from saving files into a connected USB storage device.
This Critical Patch updates the Data Protection module to resolve the issue.
An issue related to the DLP module prevents the corresponding DLP Alert and violation log from being triggered when users burn sensitive information into a DVD.
This Critical Patch updates the Data Protection module to resolve the issue.
An issue related to the DLP module prevents users from sending an email message with a particular file attachment.
This Critical Patch updates the Data Protection module to resolve the issue.
An issue prevents the Device List Tool (listDeviceInfo.exe) from retrieving certain SCSI disk device information.
This Critical Patch updates the Device List Tool (listDeviceInfo.exe) to resolve this issue.
An issue may cause the IIS program to stop unexpectedly after an OfficeScan server computer restarts.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server program to resolve the issue.
An issue related to the Spyware engine causes the system performance to slow down.
This Critical Patch updates the Spyware engine module to resolve the issue.
Users cannot expand the domains or add spyware/grayware detections into the approved list on the OfficeScan server web console.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent program to resolve the issue.
OfficeScan is affected by an Improper Access Control Information Disclosure vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
The following enhancements are included in this Critical Patch:
This Critical Patch updates the file privileges for the database log file in the server installation folder for enhanced security.
This Critical Patch resolves an Improper Access Control privilege escalation issue in OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
This Critical Patch enhance the OfficeScan program to prevent the OSCE Incorrect Permission Assignment Privilege Escalation Vulnerability.
A. Files for Current Issue(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename Build Number ------------------------------ ------------ OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\EdgeServer\*.* OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SQL\*.* OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Disk1\*.* OfficeScan\PCCSRV\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoPcc.exe AutoPccP.exe CGIResUTF8.dll CGIShare.dll EndpointBasecamp.exe libcurl.dll libeay32.dll libNetCtrl.dll loadhttp.dll ofc_loadhttp.dll OfcPfwCommon.dll OfcPIPC.dll ssleay32.dll SvrSvcSetup.exe TmNotify.dll VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Build.exe Build64.exe cert5.db * ciussi32.dll ciussi64.dll InstNTRes.dll InstReg.exe loadhttp.dll ofc_loadhttp.dll OSCETSCLog.dll patch.exe patch64.exe patchbld.dll PATCHW32.DLL patchw64.dll pbld64.dll SetupMan.dll SetupUsr.dll TmUpdate.dll TmUpdate64.dll TSC.exe TSC64.exe VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 vsapi64.dll 12.500.0.1004 Wizard.exe Wizard_64x.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\CertificateManager\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- CertificateManager.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ClientPackager\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIENTMSISETUP_MSI * ClnPack.ini * OfcPfwCommon.dll VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\IpXfer\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- IpXfer.exe IpXfer_x64.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ListDeviceInfo\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- listDeviceInfo.conf.ini * listDeviceInfo.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\OSCEResetPW\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- OSCEResetPW.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\PolicyExportTool\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- CGIResUTF8.dll OfficeScanSettingsExportTool.exe ServerMigrationTool.ex_ OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SaasStorageMgr\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ofcASMgr.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ServerMigrationTool\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- CGIOCommon.dll CGIResUTF8.dll OfcPfwCommon.dll ServerMigrationTool.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SQL\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- libSQLDatabaseUpgrade.dll oscedbt.exe TmNotify.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\TCacheGen\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- TCacheGen.exe TCacheGen_x64.exe TCacheGenCli.exe * TCacheGenCli_x64.exe * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\TMVS\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- DatFHS.dll libeay32.dll loadhttp.dll msvcr71.dll 7.10.3052.4 ssleay32.dll TmNotify.dll TMVS.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\VSEncrypt\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 VSEncode.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Autopcc.cfg\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- APNT.INI * APNT_X64.INI * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\CmAgent\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- CGIResUTF8.dll En_BlobConvertUtility.dll En_I18N.dll En_Utility.dll libapr-1.dll libcrypto-1_1.dll libcurl.dll libssl-1_1.dll msvcr71.dll 7.10.3052.4 ProductLibrary.dll * TrendAprWrapperDll.dll zlib.dll zlibwapi.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Download\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ClnPack_files.xml * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Download\Engine\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ATSE32.sig * * ATSE64.sig * * eng_ntkd.sig * * engv_amd64_ntkd.sig * * falcon32.sig * * falcon64.sig * * TMEBC32.sig * * TMEBC64.sig * * TSC.sig * * TSC64.sig * * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Download\Product\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- DlpLite.sig * * * * DlpLite_Common.sig * * DlpLite_Common_x64.sig * * DlpLite_x64.sig * * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Engine\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- atse32.dll 12.500.0.1004 ssapi32.dll TmAegisSysEvt.dll 2.976.0.2268 TMBMCLI.dll 2.976.0.2268 TMBMSRV.exe 2.976.0.2268 tmCfwApi.dll tmcomeng.dll 2.976.0.2268 TmEngDrv.dll 2.976.0.2268 tmHash.dll TMPEM.dll 2.976.0.2268 TmPfw.exe TmPfwApi.dll TmPfwRul.dll TmSysEvt.dll tmtap.dll tmwlutil.dll 2.976.0.2268 tmxfalcon.dll VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Engine\CCSF\TrxHandler\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- curl-ca-bundle.crt * libcurl.dll libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll trxhandler.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Engine\x64\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- atse64.dll 12.500.0.1004 ssapi64.dll TmAegisSysEvt.dll 2.976.0.2268 TMBMCLI.dll 2.976.0.2268 TMBMSRV.exe 2.976.0.2268 tmCfwApi.dll tmcomeng.dll 2.976.0.2268 TmEngDrv.dll 2.976.0.2268 tmHash.dll TMPEM.dll 2.976.0.2268 TmPfw.exe TmPfwApi.dll TmPfwRul.dll TmSysEvt.dll tmtap.dll tmwlutil.dll 2.976.0.2268 tmxfalcon.dll TSC64.exe vsapi64.dll 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Engine\x64\CCSF\TrxHandler\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- curl-ca-bundle.crt * libcurl.dll libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll trxhandler.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\LWCS\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- AU_WRS.exe aucfg.ini * Build.exe BWListMgmt.exe BWListSearch.exe CCCAUpdate.exe cert5.db * ciuas32.dll ciussi32.dll icrcauapi.dll libBWListFilter.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll liblwtpciu32.dll lwcs_msg.ini * lwcsctrl.exe LWCSService.exe MigrateBWList.exe patch.exe patchbld.dll PATCHW32.DLL pcre.dll * perfLWCSPerfMonMgr.dll perfLWCSPerfMonMgr.ini * placeholder.txt * ssleay32.dll sym_perfLWCSPerfMonMgr.h * tmufeng.dll TmUpdate.dll x500.db * zlib1.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * * * NTMonRes.dll NTRtScan.exe NTSvcRes.dll TmNotify.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Common\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7z.dll 7z.exe ApricotCBRuleHandler.dll ApricotManagerModule.dll * * * * CNTAoSMgr.exe CompRmv.exe crc0filter.dll DatFHS.dll fcWofieUI.dll FileBrowsingRuleHandler.dll ICRCHdler.dll lib7zWrapper.dll * libApricotLog.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll libNetCtrl.dll libprotobuf.dat * libprotobuf.dll * loadhttp.dll msvcm80.dll 8.0.50727.762 msvcp80.dll 8.0.50727.762 msvcr80.dll 8.0.50727.762 NTRmv.exe ofc_loadhttp.dll OfcCCCAUpdate.exe OfcPfwCommon.dll OfcPfwSvc.dll OfcPIPC.dll PccNT.exe PccNTMon.exe PccNTUpd.exe ssleay32.dll SurrogateTmListen.exe tmCfwApi.dll tmeectv.dll tmeesent.dll TmFpHcEx.exe tmHash.dll TmListen.dll TmListen.exe TmListenShare.dll TmopCfg.dll Tmopcfscan.dll TmopCtl.dll TmopDbg.dll TmOPP.dll TmoppeEvts.dll TmoppeHosF.dll TmoppePDP.dll TmoppeSAL.dll TmoppeSsF.dll TmoppeUrlF.dll TmoppeVS.dll TmopphHttp.dll TmopphMsn.dll TmopphPop3.dll TmopphSmtp.dll TmopphYmsg.dll TmopPlgAdp.dll Tmopsent.dll TmopsmHttp.dll TmopsmIm.dll TmopsmMail.dll TmPac.dll TmPfw.exe TmPfwApi.dll TmPfwCtl.dll TmPfwCtl_xp.dll TmPfwRul.dll TmSock.dll TmSSClient.exe tmwfpapi.dll UpdGuide.exe Upgrade.exe utilPfwInstCondChecker.exe WofieLauncher.exe XPUpg.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Drv\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- * tmactmon.inf * tmactmon.sys 2.976.0.2267 * tmcomm.inf * tmcomm.sys * TMEBC.inf * TMEBC32.sys * tmeevw.inf * tmeevw.sys * * tmevtmgr.inf * tmevtmgr.sys 2.976.0.2267 * TmFilter.sys 12.500.0.1004 * tmlwf.inf * TMLWF.sys tmlwfins.exe tmncieco.dll * tmnciesc.inf * tmnciesc.sys * tmpreflt.inf * tmpreflt.sys 12.500.0.1004 * tmusa.inf * tmusa.sys * tmwfp.inf * TMWFP.sys tmwfpins.exe tmxpflt.inf * TmXPFlt.sys 12.500.0.1004 vsapiNT.inf * vsapiNT.sys 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Drv\X64\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- * tmactmon.inf * tmactmon.sys 2.976.0.2267 * tmcomm.inf * tmcomm.sys * TMEBC.inf * TMEBC64.sys * tmeevw.inf * tmeevw.sys * * tmevtmgr.inf * tmevtmgr.sys 2.976.0.2267 * * tmlwf.inf * TMLWF.sys tmlwfins.exe tmncieco.dll * tmnciesc.inf * tmnciesc.sys * tmpreflt.inf * tmpreflt.sys 12.500.0.1004 * tmusa.inf * tmusa.sys * tmwfp.inf * TMWFP.sys tmwfpins.exe tmxpflt.inf * tmxpflt.sys 12.500.0.1004 VsapiNT.inf * VsapiNT.sys 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Pccnt\Win64\X64\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7z.dll 7z.exe ApricotCBRuleHandler.dll ApricotManagerModule.dll * * CompRmv.exe crc0filter.dll DatFHS.dll fcWofieUI.dll FileBrowsingRuleHandler.dll ICRCHdler.dll lib7zWrapper_64x.dll * libApricotLog.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll libNetCtrl_64x.dll libprotobuf.dat * libprotobuf.dll * loadhttp_64x.dll msvcm80.dll 8.0.50727.762 msvcp80.dll 8.0.50727.762 msvcr80.dll 8.0.50727.762 NTRmv.exe Ntrtscan.exe ofc_loadhttp_64x.dll OfcCCCAUpdate.exe OfcPfwCommon_64x.dll OfcPfwSvc_64x.dll OfcPIPC_64x.dll OSCETSCLog_64x.dll PccNT.exe PccNTMon.exe PccNTUpd.exe ssleay32.dll SurrogateTmListen.exe tmCfwApi.dll tmeectv.dll tmeesent.dll TmFpHcEx.exe tmHash.dll TmListen.exe TmListen_64x.dll TmListenShare_64x.dll TmNotify.dll TmopCfg.dll Tmopcfscan.dll TmopCtl.dll TmopDbg.dll TmOPP_64x.dll TmoppeEvts.dll TmoppeHosF.dll TmoppePDP.dll TmoppeSAL.dll TmoppeSsF.dll TmoppeUrlF.dll TmoppeVS.dll TmopphHttp.dll TmopphMsn.dll TmopphPop3.dll TmopphSmtp.dll TmopphYmsg.dll TmopPlgAdp.dll Tmopsent.dll TmopsmHttp.dll TmopsmIm.dll TmopsmMail.dll TmPac_64x.dll TmPfw.exe TmPfwApi.dll TmPfwCtl.dll TmPfwCtl_xp.dll TmPfwRul.dll TmSock_64x.dll TmSSClient.exe tmwfpapi.dll UpdGuide.exe Upgrade.exe utilPfwInstCondChecker.exe WofieLauncher.exe xpupg.exe OfficeScan\PCCSRV\PLM\DAL\components\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- PLMUtilCOM.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\PLM\DALComponents\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- DALAuthCOM.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Private\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- DlpClc.xml * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Private\certificate\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- libeay32.dll openssl.exe * ssleay32.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Private\LogServer\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7z.dll 7z.exe OfcPIPC.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\SRS\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- libApricotLog.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll makecert.exe 5.131.3617.0 RelayRuleHandler.dll RelayRulePerfCounter.dll RelayServicePerfCounter.dll SRSCli.exe SRService.exe ssleay32.dll zlib1.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web\Service\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7z.dll AosProxy.exe AosShare.dll Build.exe cert5.db * CGIOCommon.dll CGIResUTF8.dll CGIShare.dll ciuas32.dll ciussi32.dll CmdHAoSMgr.dll CmdHLClient.dll CmdHOConsole.dll cme_dll.dll cme_vxe_dll_static.dll DatFHS.dll DbServer.exe lib7zWrapper.dll * libCmdHndlrClientV2.dll libCmdHndlrConsoleV2.dll libCmdHndlrDda.dll libcurl.dll libcurl_ofc.dll libeay32.dll libLogHandler.dll loadhttp.dll LogCache.dll msvcr71.dll 7.10.3052.4 NTSvcRes.dll ofc_loadhttp.dll OfcAosMgr.exe OfcCCCAUpdate.exe OfcDBBackup.exe OfcDownload.dll OfcEdgeAgent.exe OfcHotFix.exe OfcNotify.dll OfcNotifyQueue.dll OfcPfwCommon.dll OfcPurgeLog.dll OfcService.exe patch.exe patchbld.dll PATCHW32.dll ssleay32.dll TmNotify.dll TmUpdate.dll VerConn.exe VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web\Service\PLM\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7z.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web\CGI\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- cgiCheckIP.exe cgiExportInfo.exe cgiGetClient.exe cgiImportInfo.exe cgiLog.exe CGIOCommon.dll cgiOnMSCfg.exe cgiOnPSCfg.exe cgiOnQueryClientBindPort.exe cgiOnRTCfg.exe cgiOnSpecialLog.exe cgiOnStart.exe cgiOnUnst.exe cgiRecvFile.exe CGIResUTF8.dll cgiRqHotFix.exe CGIShare.dll fcgiOfcDDA.exe FlowControl_64x.dll isapiClient.dll isapiClientX64.dll isapiClientX86.dll jdkNotify.exe libcrypto-1_1.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll libssl-1_1.dll loadhttp.dll msvcr71.dll 7.10.3052.4 OfcPfwCommon.dll OfcPfwCommon_64x.dll ssleay32.dll SSO_PKIHelper.dll VSAPI32.dll 12.500.0.1004 vsapi64.dll 12.500.0.1004 zlibwapi.dll OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_Console\CGI\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- cgiAuthManagement.exe cgiChkMasterPwd.exe cgiCmdNotify.exe CGIOCommon.dll CGIResUTF8.dll CGIShare.dll cgiShowActiveDirectory.exe cgiShowAoS.exe cgiShowCAV.exe cgiShowClientAdm.exe cgiShowComplianceReport.exe cgiShowLogs.exe cgiShowNotify.exe cgiShowOPP.exe cgiShowPFW.exe cgiShowServerAdm.exe cgiShowSummary.exe cgiShowUpdate.exe cgiShowWSSAdmin.exe cgiTurnLog.exe DdaIsapiFilter.dll DdaIsapiFilter64.dll fcgiOfcDDA.exe libapr-1.dll libcrypto-1_1.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll libssl-1_1.dll loadhttp.dll msvcr71.dll 7.10.3052.4 OfcPfwCommon.dll ssleay32.dll SSO_PKIHelper.dll TmNotify.dll TmUpdate.dll TrendAprWrapperDll.dll VSAPI32.DLL 12.500.0.1004 OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\ad_integration\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ad_integration.htm * client_grouping.htm * edit_sorting_rules.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\WEB_OSCE\Web_Console\HTML\Addon\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- aos_service_management.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\aegis\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- data_protection.htm * device_control.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\Auth\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- admin_account_domain.htm * admin_account_info.htm * admin_account_menu.htm * Admin_Role_Add.htm * Admin_User_List.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\behavior_monitoring\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- bm_settings.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\clientmag\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- client_cfg_manualscan.htm * client_cfg_privileage.htm * client_cfg_realtimelscan.htm * client_cfg_scannow.htm * client_cfg_schedulescan.htm * client_cfg_wtp.htm * client_globalsetting.htm * client_list_2.htm * client_ofsc_services.htm * client_searchwindow.htm * client_urlfiltering_profiles.htm * install_remote.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\cloud_service\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- import_bw_list.htm * scan_ip_range_edit.htm * scan_source.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\common\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- js-clientmag.js * ln_cloud.js * ln_common.js * page_init.js * trend-ui-opt_list.js * trend-ui.domaintree.js * x_localization.xml * x_view_status.xsl * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\common\css\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- index.css * l10n-style.css * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\common\l10n\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- l10n.aegis.js * l10n.behavior_monitoring.js * l10n.clientmag.js * l10n.dlp.js * * l10n.logs.js * l10n.update.js * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\common\settings\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- setting.ad_integration.js * setting.addon.js * setting.aegis.js * setting.behavior_monitoring.js * setting.clientmag.js * setting.cloud_service.js * setting.compliance_report.js * setting.dlp.js * setting.logon.js * setting.logs.js * * setting.notify.js * setting.outbreak.js * setting.pfw.js * setting.rba.js * setting.root.js * setting.serveradm.js * setting.update.js * setting.vdi.js * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\common\util\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- common.js * osce.menubar.js * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\compliance_report\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- compliance_report.htm * scheduled_compliance_report.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\dlp\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- dlp_compliance_tpl_addedit.htm * dlp_display_ac.htm * dlp_Entities_addedit.htm * dlp_FileAttr_addedit.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\help\webhelp\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Using-Authentication.html * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\logs\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- log_maintenance.htm * logs_bm_view.htm * logs_dac_view.htm * logs_delete.htm * logs_network_malware_view.htm * logs_pfw.htm * logs_pfw_detail.htm * logs_pfw_view.htm * logs_spyware.htm * logs_spyware_view.htm * logs_suspicious_file_view.htm * logs_trendx_view.htm * logs_virus_view.htm * logs_WebSecurity_view.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\outbreak\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- opp_deny_write.htm * opp_mutex_block.htm * opp_port_blocking.htm * opp_port_blocking_add.htm * opp_port_blocking_edit.htm * opp_restore.htm * opp_settings.htm * opp_shared_folder.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\PFW\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- profile_edit.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\root\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- help_start.htm * index.htm * logon.htm * menu.html * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\serveradm\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- edge_server.htm * server_cmagent_saas.htm * server_migration.htm * server_pr_detail.htm * server_pr_single_detail.htm * server_proxy.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\tools\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- tools_admin_clients.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\WEB_OSCE\Web_Console\HTML\update\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- update_rollback.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\WEB_OSCE\Web_Console\HTML\vdi\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- vdi_display_ac.htm * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\widget\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- osce_proxy.php * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\WEB_OSCE\Web_Console\HTML\widget\repository\widgetPool\product\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- config.php * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp%RETCODE%\template\dashBoard\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- common.js * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\WEB_OSCE\Web_Console\HTML\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp%RETCODE%\widget\modOSCESecurityRiskDetection\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- module.js * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp%RETCODE%\widgetBase\modOSCE\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- widget.css * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\widget\repository\widgetPool\wp%RETCODE%\widgetBase\modOSCE\img\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- threat_investigation.png * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console\HTML\widget\ui\message\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- message.js * OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_Console\RemoteInstallCGI\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- cgiGetNTClient.exe CGIOCommon.dll cgiRemoteInstall.exe CGIResUTF8.dll CGIShare.dll libcurl.dll libeay32.dll loadhttp.dll SetupMan.dll ssleay32.dll VSAPI32.dll 12.500.0.1004 vsapi64.dll 12.500.0.1004 Wizard.exe Wizard_64x.exe B. Network Traffic Required in Deployment ------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated size (in terms of bandwidth) of deployed agent files in this critical patch. - 32-bit agent total = 110.8 MB - 64-bit agent total = 158.3 MB
To download or view electronic versions of the documentation set for this product, go to
To access the Online Help, go to
To install:
This Critical Patch installation package automatically rolls back the OfficeScan server to its previous configuration if there are problems during installation. If you encounter problems after installation, do a manual rollback.
To manually roll back to the previous build:
No post-installation steps are required.
NOTE: Trend Micro recommends that you update your scan engine and virus pattern files immediately after installing the product.
There are no known issues for this Critical Patch release.
This Hotfix resolves a payload execution security issue.
This Hotfix resolves an arbitrary file write vulnerability related to the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 file restoration process.
Several false Anti-Exploit Detection alerts are generated in OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
This Critical Patch updates the EYES module to minimize false Anti-Exploit Detection alerts.
An issue prevents the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module from retrieving the destination IP address information.
This Critical Patch updates the DLP module to resolve the issue.
The spyware scan feature of Manual Scan in OfficeScan agents is affected by an Improper Access Control Privilege Escalation vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to remove the vulnerability.
An issue related to the VSAPI decompress function may cause a vulnerability in the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 program.
This Critical Patch resolves the issue to remove the vulnerability.
This Critical Patch fixes the exposure of sensitive information to an unauthorized actor security issue.
This Critical Patch updates the VSAPI module to resolve a vulnerability.
This Critical Patch resolves an Out-Of-Bounds Read security issue in OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
This Critical Patch resolves a Server-Side Request Forgery Information Disclosure security issue in OfficeScan.
This Critical Patch resolves an Out-Of-Bounds Write security issue in OfficeScan.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not support CJK Compatibility Ideographs.
This Patch updates the DLP module to the latest version to enable it to support CJK Compatibility Ideographs.
The OfficeScan Common Client Solution Framework may stop unexpectedly on OfficeScan agents.
This Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The wrong task tray icon appears on OfficeScan agent computers when the Virus Pattern is out-dated.
This Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the right task tray icon appears when the Virus Pattern is out-dated.
After applying Patch 3 5684, users encounter the following error message when attempting to view the detailed information from the "OfficeScan and Plug-ins Mashup" widget on the OfficeScan web console.
"Unable to retrieve the requested data because of an unexpected error in PLM. Please report this issue to your support provider."
This Patch updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
An issue prevents OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 from decrypting quarantined email messages.
This Patch updates the OfficeScan program to resolve this issue.
This Patch imports the latest version of the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Behavior Monitoring (BM) module.
This Patch enables the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent program to support Microsoft Windows™ 10 (version 20H2) Update.
This Patch adds an option to enable Enhanced Support Services in OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1. Refer to the following website for more details.
For Security agent: & For OfficeScan XG SP1 server:
OfficeScan agents may send duplicate virus logs to the server even when there is no virus detected.
This Hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent the issue.
This Hotfix updates the hotfix installation process to ensure that OfficeScan services can restart normally after a hotfix is installed.
OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 servers and agents may stop unexpectedly while handling HTTP requests.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan program to prevent the issue.
OfficeScan agent manual updates cannot bypass the proxy server even when the bypass setting has been added in the Microsoft™ Windows™ proxy settings.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan program to prevent the issue.
An issue related to the OfficeScan Data Protection Service can disable the Wireless NIC interface unexpectedly while opening the Mozilla(R) Firefox(R) web browser.
This Critical Patch updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
An issue related to OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service may trigger false positive detections when users drag a file into a web browser window and the action is not "upload".
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan DLP service to prevent the issue.
When the Generic Stream Scan (GSS) firewall feature is disabled on an agent computer, the version of the Common Firewall Pattern appears as "0" on the "Component Versions" page of the agent console and "N/A" on the agent tree on the server console.
This Critical Patch updates the firewall module to resolve this issue.
This Critical Patch updates the DLP service to improve its stability on computers running Windows 7.
This Critical Patch provides a registry configuration for OfficeScan agents to work around interoperability or false alarm issues when the Anti-exploit Protection feature is enabled under the OfficeScan User-Mode Hooking settings.
To enable users to specify the registry configuration for OfficeScan agents:
An Out-Of-Bounds Read vulnerability may cause the agent program to stop unexpectedly.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to remove the vulnerability.
Sometimes, OfficeScan agents cannot perform a Manual Scan or download pattern files from the OfficeScan server normally because the OfficeScan Real-time Scan ("Ntrtscan.exe") service runs into a deadlock issue.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
After applying Hotfix 5516 or Patch 3 5684 on the Japanese version of OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, garbled characters appear in blocked websites that trigger Web Reputation rules.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
It may take a long time to share files between protected computers over a network when the OfficeScan Data Protection Service is enabled on the OfficeScan agent.
This Critical Patch updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan is affected by an Improper Access Control Information Disclosure vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
When the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module is configured to block the transfer of password-protected compressed files, it may not be able to detect the transfer of sensitive information in selected System and Application Channels or Network Channels.
This Critical Patch updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
An issue related to the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature triggers blue screen of death (BSOD) on protected computers running Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 May 2020 Update (20H1).
This Critical Patch updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
OfficeScan is affected by the ServerMigrationTool DAT File Parsing Double Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the ServerMigrationTool program to resolve the vulnerability.
OfficeScan is affected by the ServerMigrationTool ZIP File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the ServerMigrationTool program to resolve the vulnerability.
The OfficeScan agent installation mechanism that uses an MSI package to install the agent may be affected by a certain vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the vulnerability.
OfficeScan may be affected by an authentication bypass vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the vulnerability.
An issue related to the Trend Micro Browser Exploit Prevention module may cause an Out-of-bounds Read vulnerability.
This Critical Patch updates the Trend Micro Browser Exploit Prevention module to resolve the vulnerability.
A possible vulnerability existed that could allow an attacker to inject arbitrary files into an update file path if the OfficeScan XG SP1 server updated from a local directory.
This Critical Patch updates the OfficeScan program to resolve this issue.
This Critical Patch enables OfficeScan to support the application filter hash matching feature for the Firewall Policy Exception so that users are able to specify applications to use the file hash value on.
To enable the new settings:
This Critical Patch applies updates to improve the security of OfficeScan server and agent operations.
An issue prevents users from restarting or stopping the WMI service (winmgmt) on endpoints where the Security Agent is installed. The Security Agent tmlisten service is dependent on the WMI service.
This Hotfix updates the Security Agent program to remove the WMI service dependency.
Endpoints may stop unexpectedly or experience a blue screen of death (BSOD) after updating the Data Protection service on OfficeScan agents.
This Hotfix resolves this issue by updating the Data Protection module.
When the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module is configured to block the transfer of password-protected .rar or .zip files through selected network channels, it also blocks .7z files that are not password-protected.
This Hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The space character cannot be displayed normally in exported CSV files of Virus/Malware logs.
This Hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
Users cannot move agents to a specific domain on the target server using the EnableMoveNATClient feature in the following command format:
This happens because the backslash "\" prevents the feature from retrieving the full domain name from the SQL database.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
This Hotfix updates the Data Protection module to extend the maximum supported forensic data size on clients.
To set the maximum supported forensic data size:
This hotfix allows administrators to move agents to a specific domain on the target server using the EnableMoveNATClient feature by creating domain hierarchy under the "#moveto_<target Server IP or hostname>:HTTP port|HTTPS port" domain on the source server.
To move agents to a specific domain on the target server using the EnableMoveNATClient feature:
The size of the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) log always appears as 2147483647 on the OfficeScan server web console when the triggering file on the endpoint is larger than 2GB.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server and agent programs to resolve this issue.
The "Enable Suspicious URL list" option on the "Suspicious Object List Settings" page of the web console is disabled even when the OfficeScan server has registered to the Edge Relay Server if Integrated Smart Protection Server is not installed on the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix allows users to configure the "Enable Suspicious URL list" setting and provide User-Defined Suspicious URLs to off-premises agents.
On the off-premise agent console, the timestamps on the "Suspicious Object List" on the "Component Versions" page do not update promptly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent program supports Microsoft™ Windows™ Server 2019, however, the agents appear as "Windows Server 2016" if managed on the Apex Central server console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that OfficeScan uploads the correct product information to the managed Apex Central server.
Users may still be able to access USB storage devices even after setting the Device Control permissions for USB Storage Devices to "Block".
This hotfix updates DLP Endpoint SDK 6.2 to add a switch that responds when a device status changes to help prevent the issue from occurring.
To enable the switch to respond when the device status changes:
After applying OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Patch 2, users may not be able to save new custom OfficeScan Agent domain names or group names on the "Add IP Address Grouping" screen if the name contains certain characters. Existing domains containing the characters may also appear garbled on the "Add IP Address Grouping" screen.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to prevent this issue.
An issue related to the OfficeScan Behavior Monitor (BM) feature may cause blue screen of death (BSOD) on agent computers.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan BM module to prevent this issue.
End users may still be able to copy sensitive image files to DVDs even when the DLP policy is set to "Block".
This hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
Sometimes, an issue prevents the DLP feature from blocking the transfer of large sensitive files using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
An issue related to the DLP module enables the Wireless NIC interface unexpectedly on client computers.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to prevent the issue from occurring.
Endpoints may stop unexpectedly or experience BSOD when the DLP service is enabled on OfficeScan agent computers.
This hotfix resolves this issue by updating the DLP module.
When burning files on Nero Burning application triggers a DLP violation, the contents of the corresponding DLP logs may not display properly.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
After applying OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Patch 3, users cannot move OfficeScan agents to another server using the EnableMoveNATClient feature. This happens due to an enhanced security check mechanism for moving OfficeScan agents in Patch 3.
This hotfix updates the security check mechanism to ensure that you can move OfficeScan agents using the EnableMoveNATClient feature.
DLP logs contain inaccurate file path information.
This hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
In virus logs, the security threat information is displayed in short name format if the scan type is "DCS".
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to display the security threat name in long name format.
Users may still be able to access USB storage devices even after setting the Device Control permissions for USB Storage Devices to "Block".
This hotfix updates DLP Endpoint SDK 6.2 to add a switch that responds when a device status changes to help prevent the issue from occurring.
To enable the switch to respond when the device status changes:
When the Smart Protection Service Proxy is enabled, Security Agents should use the configured Smart Protection Service Proxy settings when querying Smart Protection sources for the Predictive Machine Learning feature. However, Security Agents do not apply the proxy settings when Security Agents are configured to use Conventional Scan to scan for security risks by default.
This patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
When the OfficeScan server is installed on a multiple network interface cards (NICs) environment and the administrator notification settings are configured to allow OfficeScan to send notifications through SNMP Trap, the wrong Source IP address information appears in the trap information section of the notifications.
This patch updates the Notification Module to resolve this issue.
Sometimes, the OfficeScan server loses its connection to the SQL database unexpectedly.
This patch updates the SQL package to resolve the issue.
An issue related to the weekly Scheduled Scan mechanism triggers a high CPU usage issue.
This patch updates the OfficeScan program to resolve this issue.
An issue prevents OfficeScan agents from retrieving the latest version of the Early Boot Cleanup Driver from the OfficeScan server.
This patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
An OfficeScan agent switches to offline status after upgrading from OfficeScan 11 Service Pack 1 to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
This patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
Agent notifications that display when a virus or malware is detected on the client may be vulnerable to code injection.
This patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
Except for the administrator account created during installation, user account passwords for the web console can be updated even when users have provided the wrong current password.
This patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
After applying OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Patch 5502, the OfficeScan server cannot successfully register to the Edge server because the OsceOPA certificate cannot be deployed from the Edge server to the OfficeScan server.
This patch updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
A database exception that may occur when an agent restarts may cause the agent domain GUID information to disappear from the database.
This patch prevents this issue.
An issue prevents users from accessing the detailed license information page.
This patch updates the OfficeScan program to resolve this issue.
Under certain conditions, off-premise OfficeScan agents that are connected to the OfficeScan Edge Relay server may not be able to send security risk logs to the OfficeScan server.
This patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan agent IP address information on the web console may be updated to the previous value after the OfficeScan server syncs with the Edge server.
This patch updates the OfficeScan program to resolve this issue.
To configure OfficeScan to prevent the issue and deploy the solution globally:
This patch enables OfficeScan to write Windows event logs on both servers and agents for the following events:
If the OfficeScan server is registered to Trend Micro Control Manager™, the related windows event log will also show in the Product Auditing Event log on the Control Manager web console.
This patch applies the following enhanced password complexity requirements for better security:
This patch enables the OfficeScan web console to support Microsoft Edge (Chromium).
This patch applies updates to improve the security of OfficeScan server and agent operations.
This patch imports the latest cURL binary to prevent a vulnerability issue.
This patch improves the 7-Zip file archiver process in OfficeScan agents to prevent a possible vulnerability related to the OfficeScan Agent Self-protection feature.
This patch enhances the security check mechanism that works when OfficeScan moves agents to another OfficeScan server through the "Agents > Agent Management > Select agents > Move Agent" or "Administration > Settings > Agent Connection" page.
This patch enables the OfficeScan agent program to support Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 (version 2004) May 2020 Update.
This patch applies updates to improve the security of OfficeScan server operations.
This patch applies updates to improve the security in OfficeScan agents.
This patch updates the OfficeScan OpenSSL to version 1.0.2u.
This patch makes the associated private key for the OfficeScan Server Authentication Certificate for communication with OfficeScan agents as non-exportable for better security.
When users burn files into a CD or DVD, the DLP module may not be able to detect certain files and as a result, may report an inaccurate DLP violation log count.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
Security Agents with the Behavior Monitoring feature enabled may experience a memory resource issue.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve this issue.
When the OfficeScan Server is installed in an air-gapped network environment, users may not be able to renew the OfficeScan Data Protection product license while managing the OfficeScan server from the Trend Micro Control Manager™ web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
When the OfficeScan server is managed from the Control Manager web console, Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) incident reviewers may not be able to decrypt the DLP forensic data from the "Incident Details" screen of the Control Manager web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
Endpoints may stop unexpectedly when the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
The Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service may slow down the performance of Microsoft™ Word applications when the officeatwork Add-In is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module and enables users to configure OfficeScan to skip certain events to help prevent the issue.
To configure OfficeScan to skip certain events to help prevent the issue and deploy the solution globally:
Users may receive false positive C&C callback alerts on OfficeScan agents. This happens because the Network Content Inspection Engine (NCIE) reloads every few seconds.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent program.
The OfficeScan firewall service may block the connection to version 2.4.8 of OpenVPN.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan NT Real-time Scan Service (Ntrtscan) stops unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan DLP module to monitor all file uploads to any website.
To configure the new setting for DLP:
The Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module generates two violation logs for a single printing action.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
To configure the Sync mode cache (for blocking action) setting:
Manual Scan detection results do not display any information.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that Manual Scan detection results display complete and accurate information.
A log timeout issue may cause OfficeScan agents to send a large amount of duplicated Data Loss Prevention logs in a short time.
This hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
To configure the Sync mode cache (for blocking action) setting:
A third-party application automatically disables bluetooth adapters and LTP devices on agent computers while the Data Protection module keeps on enabling the same devices. Repeated enabling and disabling of these devices triggers a high CPU usage issue related to the "WMI Provider Host" process.
This hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan agents installed on a Japanese directory cannot access the "NcieEcp.ini" and "ConnLog\Conn_XXXXXXXX.log" files.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent program.
Email addresses specified in the Scheduled Assessment Report settings in Security Compliance cannot be deleted.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that email addresses in Scheduled Assessment Report settings can be deleted normally.
Sometimes, an issue prevents users from logging onto the OfficeScan Server web console successfully.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to fix this issue.
When users deploy domain settings through the Update Agent, the Scan Settings may disappear from the agent console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to fix this issue.
Advanced Search does not display any results for the "Update Agent" search criterion.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan Master Service stops unexpectedly and cannot be restarted.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
Sometimes, in the Traditional Chinese language version of the agent console, the menu language changes to English unexpectedly after a program update.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
An OfficeScan agent switches to offline status after upgrading from OfficeScan 11 Service Pack 1 to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The Device Control feature may block certain types of internal disk drives unexpectedly after users configure the "USB storage devices" setting to "Block".
This hotfix updates the data protection module to resolve this issue.
The Data Loss Prevention feature may cause Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 endpoints to become unresponsive before users logon when the User Justification setting is enabled.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the data protection module.
The OfficeScan Predictive Machine Learning (PML) feature may prevent users from running scripts to write files normally.
This hotfix resolves the issue by allowing PML to follow the Real-time Scan Exclusion settings to bypass certain file I/O events that are hooked by the Behavior Monitoring module.
Sometimes, the OfficeScan agent does not prompt the "Restart Computer" message to appear after updating the agent program.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent program.
The OfficeScan server switches the status of unreachable agents to "offline" even when these agents have sent a heartbeat out.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to fix this issue.
An issue prevents the OfficeScan server from writing content to temporary files which may make source hotfix files invalid. When this happens, digital signature checking fails.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to fix this issue.
The "Enable Suspicious URL list" setting check box in the "Suspicious Object List Setting" page of the OfficeScan web console becomes unchecked after users click the "Save" button on the "Smart Protection Server" page.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to fix this issue.
Clients that have been set to "Unreachable Network" status do not appear with the "Unreachable" status on the product tree when the IP Template setting has been configured at the same time.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The DLP module cannot block printing tasks from Microsoft PowerPoint for Office 365.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The DLP module cannot block third-party burning software from burning files to a CD/DVD.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
When disabling Windows Defender, the OfficeScan agent program always checks whether it is still running or has stopped. If it is still running, the OfficeScan agent calls the API to disable it and displays a "Restart Required" message on the OfficeScan agent console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to remove this checking mechanism so it does not trigger the "Restart Required" message on the OfficeScan agent console.
An issue prevents the DLP module from blocking the transmission of sensitive information through a RAR file that was compressed from a certain hierarchy directory with a directory name that contains Chinese characters.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
Duplicate records in the database may cause the agent connection status to switch to "Independent".
This hotfix checks and removes duplicate records from the database to resolve this issue.
After upgrading to OSCE XG Service Pack1 Patch 2 Build 5502 and any higher version, users cannot OSCE server register successfully to Trend Micro Control Manager using certificates.
After applying the hotfix, users can successfully register OSCE server to Trend Micro Control Manager using certificates.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to extend the upload file size limit in "File Attributes" of Data Identifiers to 1024 GB.
OfficeScan agents installed in folders that use certain Japanese characters may be unable to update pattern files after applying Hotfix 5464.
This patch updates the ActiveUpdate module to resolve the issue.
The OfficeScan Master Service may stop unexpectedly when the OfficeScan server attempts to generate local signature files.
This patch updates the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate module to ensure that the OfficeScan Master Service is not interrupted during the generation of local signature files.
The following two issues related to the OfficeScan Data Protection Service may occur on protected computers:
This patch updates the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module to resolve this issue.
An issue related to the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may increase the memory usage on protected computers.
This patch updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve this issue.
Virus/Malware Logs display the "Result" as "Access denied" on the OfficeScan web console but shows "File Passed" on the Trend Micro Control Manager™ web console.
This patch updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
This patch applies updates to improve the security of OfficeScan server operations.
The OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not work on the OneDrive website on Mozilla(R) Firefox(R) 71.0.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
When users apply the sample submission setting to multiple agents through the Trend Micro Control Manager™ policy, the setting is applied on the first agent only.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan DLP module skips certain directory paths and as a result, users are able to copy files that contain sensitive information from these locations to Skype™.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to ensure that it can detect and block users from copying files that contain sensitive information to Skype.
The OfficeScan DLP module slows down file transmissions by SFTP.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
An issue prevents the OfficeScan DLP module from blocking files in USB storage devices.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan DLP notification displays when users click the "Add files/Add a file" button in Skype after applying OfficeScan Hotfix 5468.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The Trend Micro OfficeScan Data Protection Service may prevent users from transferring files to the internal server successfully.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
A potential process communication risk in the agent exists in the OfficeScan server.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove this vulnerability.
A potential file deletion issue with system privileges exists via a DirectoryTraversal vulnerability in OfficeScan agents.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove this vulnerability.
A potential issue with file uploads exists via a Directory Traversal vulnerability in OfficeScan agents.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove this vulnerability.
The Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service may cause a high memory usage issue when users copy files from a ZIP file.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
This critical patch enhances the security of the Server Migration Tool.
This critical patch updates the program update checking logic on OfficeScan agents to help ensure that only authentic program updates are applied.
The OfficeScan Firewall service may block the connection to version of the Citrix Gateway.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the firewall policy exception list works normally.
OfficeScan agents cannot immediately upgrade an applied hotfix version update if the agents get the update notifications twice within a short amount of time.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
Copying compressed ZIP files takes too much time for systems affected by the Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention (DLP).
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
Users may encounter a "Windows upgrade failed" error on an OfficeScan agent computer running on the Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 platform. This happens when the OfficeScan agent ever acted as an Update Agent (UA) and some existing files match the blocking software range in Microsoft Windows.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program and adds a folder checking mechanism to resolve the issue.
The exceed unmanaged agents IP ranges logs cannot be displayed when there are more than 201 sets of IP ranges.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module cannot block users from uploading certain file types on Microsoft Skype.
This hotfix resolves this issue by updating the DLP module.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) sometimes misidentifies imaging devices with mobile devices.
This hotfix updates the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) module to resolve this issue.
Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) feature may slow down the performance of certain web applications on the OfficeScan agent.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
NOTE: Please refer to the following link for the steps to manually set the monitored websites if customer need:
Miracast connections may be blocked by the OfficeScan Firewall.
This patch updates the anchor rule for the pass action and controls this feature through use of a hidden key.
To enable the settings:
OfficeScan agents may encounter a blue screen of death (BSOD) when the Osprey kernel file (tmusa.sys) is unloaded unexpectedly.
This patch updates the Trend Micro EagleEye Driver to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan agent endpoints with Web Reputation enabled may experience a performance decrease due to a driver issue.
This patch updates the Trend Micro EagleEye Driver to resolve this issue.
This patch updates the program update checking logic on OfficeScan agents to help ensure that only authentic program updates are applied.
This patch enables the OfficeScan XG SP1 agent program to support Microsoft Windows™ 10 (version 1909) November 2019 Update.
In the Japanese version of OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, the logs screen displays abnormally if users update widgets and then click a node on the Security Risk Detections Over Time widget to open the logs screen for the highlighted threat type on the list.
This hotfix resolves this issue by updating the files related to the Security Risk Detections Over Time widget.
The Connection Verification program may automatically delete OfficeScan agents that send multiple IP addresses which causes a significant change in the agent count information. This hotfix enables the program to skip the original deletion logic for multiple IP address scenarios.
To enable the Connection Verification program to skip the original deletion logic for multiple IP address scenarios:
For external agents, this hotfix reduces the delay time in applying the firewall profile after an agent’s IP is changed.
To enable the settings:
The scan exclusion setting does not work properly when the exclusion is empty at the root level while using a Microsoft SQL database.
This hotfix updates certain SQL stored procedures to solve this issue.
A potential vulnerability may allow a non-administrator to access information on other OfficeScan users by changing a parameter in a specific URL.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server programs to prevent a user that does not have sufficient privileges from viewing other OfficeScan user information.
An issue related to the Smart Relay Service may trigger a high CPU usage issue in OfficeScan sever and it may also cause the Smart Relay Service to stop unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the Smart Relay Service to resolve this issue.
On the OfficeScan web console, users may be able to view the user account that have just been logged out by pressing the back button of the web browser.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to prevent this issue from occurring.
On the OfficeScan web console, the "PHPSESSID" and "wf_CSRF_token" cookies are the same for every logon session.
This hotfix ensures that the widget framework generates new "PHPSESSID" and "wf_CSRF_token" cookies for each new logon session.
A blank page appears after users press the "Restore Settings" button on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the XML files related to the Outbreak Prevention feature to solve this issue.
Security Agents should use the configured Smart Protection Service Proxy settings when querying Smart Protection sources for the Predictive Machine Learning and the Behavior Monitoring features. However, Security Agents still use the proxy settings configured in Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ to access the network even when the Smart Protection Service Proxy is enabled.
This hotfix updates OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
An MSI installer generated using the Client Packager Tool with the "ForceRefresh=1" parameter does not record the installation results in the "OFCNTINST.log" file.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that installation results are logged into the "OFCNTINST.log" file.
Duplicate entries appear in the Behavior Monitoring approved programs list.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to delete duplicate entries in the Behavior Monitoring approved programs list.
To apply this solution:
The customized Suspicious Object Lists (File) may not work on files that contain the digital signature of a company that is on the good company list.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
Users cannot save Microsoft™ Excel™ files in the network shared folder from OfficeScan agents.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
To update the registry configuration on OfficeScan agents to resolve the issue:
A directory traversal vulnerability may allow an attacker to log on to the OfficeScan Management Console as a root user.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
A directory traversal vulnerability may allow an attacker to extract files from an arbitrary zip file to the specific folder in OfficeScan server.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
An issue prevents OfficeScan agents running on the Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 platform from reporting their correct status to the OfficeScan server. As a result, these agents appear as "Endpoints with Non-compliant Services" on the OfficeScan web console.
This critical patch updates OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
If a network attached storage (NAS) allows only a dedicated user account to access it, the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not generate a log when files from this NAS is burned to CD/DVD using an account that does not have access rights to the NAS.
This critical patch updates the DLP module to ensure that it generates a DLP log under the scenario described above.
An error occurs while the Certificate Authentication Manager Tool re-establishes communication between the OfficeScan server and managed OfficeScan agents.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
This critical patch updates the DLP module to ensure that it can block drag-and-drop file operations in Google Chrome 76 and 77.
Some OfficeScan agents cannot update the Contextual Intelligence Query Handler.
This hotfix updates the agent program to resolve the issue.
In the Japanese language version, the agent console menu language changes to English unexpectedly after a program update.
This hotfix updates the agent program to resolve the issue.
When users log in using a non-root account, connection verification log query results display very few logs even when there are more than 100 OfficeScan clients on the client tree.
This hotfix updates the query function to ensure that all the query results contain all relevant connection verification logs.
This enhancement hides the unload/uninstall password in the OfficeScan web console.
In the SQL Server Migration Tool settings, the recipient email address for the "SQL Database Unavailable Alert" reappears after users have removed it to disable the alert.
This hotfix updates the SQL Server Migration Tool to ensure that users can successfully remove the recipient email address for the "SQL Database Unavailable Alert" to disable the alert.
When the Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module sends a DLP violation log for an email message in Lotus Notes, the log will indicate the email subject as "N/A".
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
An OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent installed on Microsoft™ Windows™ Server 2016 may appear "Offline" on the OfficeScan web console. This happens because the HTTPS communication port of the agent cannot be successfully initialized for listening while the protected computer starts.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent this issue from occurring.
An issue prevents users from uninstalling OfficeScan agents with the correct agent uninstallation password through Windows Installer (msiexec.exe) after applying OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Critical Patch 5383.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
An OfficeScan agent does not block file transmission from a network drive to Skype™ through the Server Message Block channel.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to enable OfficeScan agents to support file transmission through a network drive.
Digital Asset Control logs may contain the wrong Email Subject information.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
In Google Chrome and certain versions of Internet Explorer, some pages of the OfficeScan web console display as blank pages after Hotfix 5388 is applied.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to resolve this issue.
When the Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service is enabled on OfficeScan agent computers, Google Chrome version 75 and higher versions may stop unexpectedly while accessing certain URLs.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The "Active Directory Integration" page may expose the credential key when the page is opened with developer tools on a web browser.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
This hotfix updates the certificate handling process for both Trend Micro Smart Scan Server service and Trend Micro Smart Protection Query Handler service to allow users to assign friendly names to SSL Certificates based on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Once set, the SSL certificate of the OfficeScan website with friendly name will not be removed after the server restarts.
To ensure that the certificate with friendly name will not be replaced randomly:
Users cannot export policies using the Policy Export Tool because the default protocol buffer size has been exceeded.
This issue updates the Server Migration Tool to resolve this issue.
The SQL server may become unresponsive when navigating to the Device Control Settings screen on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix applies additional error handling to prevent unsuccessful SQL queries from affecting the database server.
This hotfix adds a new configurable key "remove_dlp_outlook_addin" to allow users to configure OfficeScan agents to remove the "dlpexaddin.x86.dll" or "dlpexaddin.x64.dll" library from the Microsoft™ Outlook Add-ins.
To configure OfficeScan agents to remove the "dlpexaddin.dll" library from Outlook:
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not work on the Microsoft Edge web browser.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
To enable OfficeScan agents to block sensitive information on the Edge web browser.
An issue prevents users from rolling back OfficeScan agents to a previously installed version after applying OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Critical Patch 5383.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan master service stops unexpectedly and creates multiple dump files.
This hotfix truncates a string that exceeded the buffer size to solve this issue.
The "Network isolation" command from Trend Micro Control Manager™ may not be applied on the OfficeScan agent immediately.
This hotfix solves this issue by ensuromh that the "Network isolation" command and other commands are not sent to OfficeScan clients in parallel.
Sometimes, Google Chrome 75 stops responding while Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) is enabled.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan Master Service to change the callback address token in C&C callback alert email notifications from "http/https" to "hxxp/hxxps".
To apply the solution:
OfficeScan XG agents may be unable to properly communicate with the server when using a proxy server for network communication.
This hotfix updates the proxy setting information to allow proper communication with the OfficeScan server.
Sample files are not sent to the Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer server because the OfficeScan Deep Discovery service has stopped unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module cannot properly block users from uploading file attachments in version 75 of the Google Chrome web browser.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to enable it to block the upload of file attachments on Google Chrome 75.
OfficeScan agents running on Microsoft™ Windows ™ 10 cannot upgrade to build 1903.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
An out-of-memory issue related to the function that adds IP exceptions can cause the Network Content Inspection Engine (NCIE) driver to stop unexpectedly and trigger blue screen of death (BSOD) on endpoints.
This hotfix updates the NCIE module to resolve this issue.
An OfficeScan agent may stop unexpectedly while calculating the SHA1 value for a large file.
This hotfix resolves the issue by improving the algorithm for calculating the SHA1 value of files.
An issue prevents the OfficeScan agent from adding program names to the Web Reputation Service approved list. As a result, websites cannot be blocked normally.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan agent cannot download large files when User-Mode Hooking (UMH) is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Web Reputation Service module to resolve the problem.
An issue prevents the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) license from being deployed from Trend Micro OfficeScan to Trend Micro Control Manager.
This hotfix adds support for the DLP AC key type to solve this issue.
A race condition between Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service and Trend Micro Contextual Intelligence Engine may cause Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service to stop unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the Trend Micro Contextual Intelligence Engine module to prevent the race condition.
This hotfix enables OfficeScan SP1 to send "Dropped" and "Accepted" action results in firewall violation logs to Control Manager. This ensures that both action results display normally on Control Manager instead of being displayed as "unknown".
This hotfix adds support for SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).
The OfficeScan NT real-time scan service stops unexpectedly because the iCRC module cannot handle an empty response from the Smart Protection Service correctly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
A third-party application cannot run when the Behavior Monitoring service is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve this interoperability issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
Endpoints may experience a blue screen of death (BSOD) while the Virus Scan Engine (VSAPI) driver is updating.
This issue updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
After an update, OfficeScan agents may use the old virus pattern to perform Scan Now instead of using the new virus pattern when the "Perform Scan Now after update (Independent agents excluded)" feature is enabled.
This hotfix ensures that OfficeScan agents use the new pattern to perform Scan Now once the new pattern has been reloaded after an update.
The OfficeScan server process may stop unexpectedly when the CPU or memory utilization is high.
This hotfix prevents the OfficeScan server process from stopping unexpectedly when the CPU or memory utilization is high.
The 3rd-party ICE WebStart program cannot be launched while the OfficeScan Firewall service is running.
This hotfix updates the Trend Micro OfficeScan Firewall driver and provides a way to prevent this issue from occurring.
To enable the new settings:
On the 64-bit Microsoft ™ Windows ™ 7 platform, an error occurs while running a 64-bit debug script in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring Module to prevent the error.
The ASE setting on the agent side switches to "0" unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent this issue.
The wrong user name information appears in spyware notifications after users logon using RDP.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the correct user name appears in spyware notifications.
The VDI Pre-Scan Template Generation Tool does not work even with the correct agent unload/unlock password.
This hotfix updates the tool to resolve this issue.
This hotfix provides a way to configure OfficeScan to keep track of when USB storage devices are plugged into OfficeScan agent computers. The logs can be queried in the Device Control violations on the Control Manager server console. These events are also recorded in the "UsbInsert_yyyymmdd.log" file on the OfficeScan server "\PCCSRV\Log" folder.
To configure OfficeScan to keep track of when USB storage devices are plugged into OfficeScan agent computers:
NOTE: To disable the setting, set this key to "0".
The OfficeScan Master Service stops unexpectedly while restarting if the length of the OfficeScan agent's full domain name exceeds the maximum length.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to prevent the OfficeScan Master Service from stopping unexpectedly.
Online OfficeScan agents may appear as "Offline" on the OfficeScan web console. Users need to restart the agents for the correct connection status to appear.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent module.
After changing an agent's connection setting on the web console, the agent is not moved to the target server because the server SSL port information is incorrect.
This hotfix ensures that the correct server SSL port is assigned when the agent connection setting is modified.
The OfficeScan agent does not change to offline status when the computer shuts down. This happens because the SSL function cannot be initialized while the computer is shutting down.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
The OfficeScan agent does not send the "Logon User" information to the OfficeScan server when the OfficeScan server restricts the user's access to the OfficeScan agent console from the system tray or from the Microsoft™ Windows™ "Start" menu.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
An issue related to the OfficeScan NT Listener service ("TmListen.exe") may cause the OfficeScan agent GUID to change unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent this issue from occurring.
An OfficeScan agent still uses the proxy server to connect to Trend Micro servers even when it has been configured not to use one in the Windows Internet Options.
This hotfix ensures that OfficeScan agents check the proxy server exception configured in Windows Internet Options to enable these agents to bypass proxy servers when connecting to Trend Micro servers when configured to do so.
A specific keyword triggers the DLP template that does not have any criteria specified.
This hotfix updates the DLP template to resolve this issue.
The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) module still blocks unmonitored domains.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
When the login after the "isPrototype" configuration is enabled, the OfficeScan web console displays incorrectly.
This hotfix removes the "isPrototype" configuration and related contents to resolve this issue.
A compatibility issue between Microsoft Outlook and the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may cause the system to crash or freeze.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to prevent this issue.
The version number of the Advanced Threat Correlation Pattern is displayed as "0.000.00" on the OfficeScan agent's user interface. This issue occurs after the OfficeScan agent upgraded from OSCE 11.0 Service Pack 1 Patch 1 to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 by the Client Packager.
This hotfix updates OfficeScan agent programs to resolve this issue.
Administrators are unable to change the database password of the edge server using "OfcEdgeCfg.exe", the OfficeScan tool.
This hotfix updates OfficeScan server program to solve this issue.
When the agents call "cgiOnScan.exe" and fails, the system keeps resending the request without waiting. This issue generates lots of records in the IIS log.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to wait for few seconds before retrying.
When the agents with the same IP address but with different computer name/Media Access Control Address (MAC)/GUID, the OfficeScan web console does not purge the duplicate agents.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the duplicate agents on the web console.
To apply the solution:
When upgrading an OfficeScan client computer to Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 April 2018 Update (Redstone 4), the Trend Micro Early Boot Clean driver may add unnecessary blank lines to the "ServiceGroupOrder" registry value. This can cause blue screen of death (BSOD) after the agent computer restarts.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent the Trend Micro Early Boot Clean driver from adding unnecessary blank lines to the "ServiceGroupOrder" registry value.
This hotfix adds a dynamic share key for OfficeScan agents in the encryption and decryption algorithm.
Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service uses a large amount of CPU resources when users open the Task Manager.
This critical patch updates the Behavior Monitoring module and enables users to configure OfficeScan to skip certain events to help prevent the issue.
To configure OfficeScan to skip certain events to help prevent the issue and deploy the solution globally:
After applying Critical Patch 5377, users may not be able to unload OfficeScan agents with the unload password enabled. This issue occurs because the encryption and decryption algorithm changed with a dynamic share key for OfficeScan agents.
This critical patch ensures that users are able to unload password-protected OfficeScan agents successfully.
This critical patch enables the OfficeScan agent program to support Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 (version 1903) May 2019 Update.
This critical patch enables users to configure the OfficeScan server to record server console login failure events in the Windows Event Log and the OfficeScan server system event log.
To configure the OfficeScan server to record server console login failure events in the Windows Event Log and the OfficeScan server system event log:
An issue related to the Microsoft™ Excel™ files with macro content cannot be saved to a network shared folder from an endpoint, some Microsoft Excel temp files cannot be deleted after trying to save the files.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
On the x64 platform, a time comparison issue triggers the OfficeScan agent to send heartbeats to the OfficeScan server when the heartbeat function is disabled.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the problem.
This solution will not be deployed to agents that are not running at the time this hotfix is installed. As a result, these agents may still experience this issue since the heartbeat event is sent during start up. You need to restart the OfficeScan Master Service after all the agents are updated to the latest version to apply this solution to all agents.
The Suspicious Object List (file) does not appear on the OfficeScan agent.
This hotfix resolves this issue by updating the related database transaction.
This hotfix enables users to search for multiple agents on the "Agent Management" page by specifying multiple agent names in the "Search for endpoints" text box.
This hotfix adds new Regular Expressions to the Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) Data Identifiers.
This hotfix adds a scheduled log purge function to purge un-scanned file logs older than a specified number of days, this is set to 15 days by default.
To configure OfficeScan to purge un-scanned file logs that are older than a specific number of days:
The NT listener service stops unexpectedly when it encounters certain corrupted information in the database.
This hotfix resolves this issue by preventing a buffer overflow issue when the NT listener service encounters corrupted information in the database.
After applying Critical Patch 5338, Microsoft™ Excel files with macro content cannot be saved to a network shared folder from an endpoint.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The Trend Micro OfficeScan Data Protection Service may stop unexpectedly when users access Gmail.
This hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan agent does not send Virus/Malware logs to the OfficeScan server when the "PrivilegeContolSetting" setting is enabled on the OfficeScan agent.
This hotfix resolves this issue by enabling OfficeScan to grant the required permissions for the "HLog" folder when "PrivilegeContolSetting" is enabled.
An issue related to the Microsoft Windows™ Defender Security Center causes the "Trend Micro Personal Firewall" component to appear in "Off" status on the "Windows Security and Maintenance" page after users remove the Trend Micro NT Firewall Service.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
An attacker may be able to force the OfficeScan agent to load a malicious .dll file.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this DLL injection vulnerability.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module cannot detect violations through the WebMail channel on Mozilla(R) Firefox(R).
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The DLP module blocks Alternate Data Stream (ADS) files unexpectedly on Dropbox.
This hotfix prevents this issue by allowing the DLP module to skip ADS files on Dropbox during scans.
In Endpoints view of the Top Ransomware Detections Widget, some records do not contain any "Endpoint" and "Last Logon User" information.
This hotfix prevents the Top Ransomware Detections Widget from displaying records of removed endpoints to ensure that it displays information normally.
This hotfix adds the new era name of Japan to the DLP template.
This hotfix adds an error message that is triggered when users attempt to add an invalid path to the Behavior Monitoring exception list.
The OfficeScan server cannot delete duplicate agents by connection verification.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
Coexisting OfficeScan agents cannot set the server information of the Smart Protection Service Proxy correctly. When this happens, the coexisting agents do not send query requests through the Smart Protection Service proxy but directly to the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network instead. This may cause a connection issue if the agents cannot connect to the Internet.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
The OfficeScan Common Client Solution Framework service stops unexpectedly when it encounters a malformed process name that is written when the buffer size has not been allocated correctly.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScanNT RealTime Scan service stops unexpectedly after upgrading to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Critical Patch 5147 from OfficeScan 11.0 Service Pack 1 Critical Patch 6469 when the agent or computer restarts.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
The OfficeScan Master Service may stop unexpectedly under certain scenarios.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to prevent the OfficeScan Master Service from stopping unexpectedly.
The OfficeScan Control Manager™ Agent (CMAgent) service may stop unexpectedly and the OfficeScan server unregisters from the Control Manager server automatically if OfficeScan uploads any Web Reputation Log that contains an empty URL to the Control Manager server.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to prevent this issue from occurring.
An issue related to the dynamic unloading of the cURL library may cause the OfficeScan NT RealTime Scan service ("Ntrtscan.exe") to stop unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
The 3rd-party Virtual Machine, Virtualbox, cannot be launched while Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) is running.
This hotfix updates DLP module to resolve this issue.
An OfficeScan agent may appear "Offline" on the OfficeScan web console if the agent IP address changes and it cannot successfully update the information on the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent program.
An OfficeScan agent sends a status update with the firewall policy ID "0" to the OfficeScan server if it cannot detect any network interface controller.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to skip the status update if it does not detect a network interface controller.
Data Loss Prevention is unable to detect sensitive data sent through Gmail when using the Chrome 73 browser due to Google API changes.
This hotfix updates Data Loss Prevention to support the "Http/Https" and "Open file dialog" functionality in Google Chrome 73.
This hotfix provides a way to configure OfficeScan to regularly delete quarantined files in the "\PCCSRV\Virus" folder on the OfficeScan server installation directory according to the "Logs to Delete" and "Log Deletion Schedule" settings in the "Log Maintenance" page on the OfficeScan web console.
To configure OfficeScan to regularly delete quarantined files in the "\PCCSRV\Virus" folder on OfficeScan server installation directory:
NOTE: To disable the setting, set this key to "0".
An issue prevents users from accessing internal websites while the OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service is running on agent computers.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
In certain environments, an interoperability issue occurs between the Behavior Monitoring feature and "rdbss.sys" while the engine collects file information from a UNC path. This may cause a massive performance issue.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module and enables users to configure the feature to skip UNC paths to help prevent the performance issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
The Connection Status (Online/Offline) of an OfficeScan client on the web console changes each time a user logs on or off from the client computer.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
After importing the settings from an OfficeScan 11 server to an OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server, the "CVE Exploit" option disappears from the "Real-time Scan Settings > Action tab > Virus/Malware > Use a specific action for each virus/malware type" page. This option is not available in OfficeScan 11.
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server to retrieve this setting from its own "ofcscan.ini" file if this is not specified in the exported settings.
The OfficeScan agent cannot upload DLP forensic data larger than 20 MB to the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to extend the DLP data upload size limit to 40 MB.
If users are given "Read and Execute" permission to USB storage devices under the Device Control Settings, four folders will be created in a USB storage device when users create one folder in the device through Windows Explorer.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module and allows users to configure it to block the create folder function when the permission to USB storage devices is set to "Read and Execute".
To enable the Behavior Monitoring module to block the create folder function when the permission to USB storage devices is set to "Read and Execute" and to deploy the solution globally:
An interoperability issue between the 64-bit OfficeScan agent and the 64-bit "unzip.dll" file prevents a 64-bit agent from loading "unzip.dll" and triggers it to reset the "ClientConsoleZipTimeStamp" registry key to "NULL". When this happens, the agent will automatically decompress "" during startup which may cause a performance issue.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent the 64-bit agent from resetting the "ClientConsoleZipTimeStamp" registry key to "NULL".
This hotfix provides a way to configure OfficeScan to keep track of when USB storage devices are plugged into OfficeScan agent computers. These events are recorded in the "UsbInsert_yyyymmdd.log" file on the OfficeScan server "\PCCSRV\Log" folder.
To configure OfficeScan to keep track of when USB storage devices are plugged into OfficeScan agent computers:
NOTE: To disable the setting, set this key to "0".
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan server to download the list of approved mobile devices and USB storage devices from the Device Control settings in the Trend Micro Control Manager™ server and to deploy the list to OfficeScan agents.
To configure OfficeScan to download and deploy the Device Control approved list of mobile devices and USB storage devices from the Control Manager server to all OfficeScan clients:
For example:
NOTE: The "Device" field is optional, if there is no device type listed in the CSV file, it will be treated as "USB Storage Devices".
NOTE: Users can apply Control Manager Hotfix 3073 to import the Device Control approved list from the "Policies > Policy Resource > Device Control Approved Device List" page of the Control Manager console.
NOTE: On the OfficeScan server, users can check the "DC_GLOBAL_DEV_EXCEPTION" section in "dlp.ini" file under the "\PCCSRV\Private" folder.
For example:
On the OfficeScan agent, users can check the "dc_in.xml" and "dc_out.xml" file under the "\OfficeScan Client\dlplite" folder.
For example:
This hotfix enables OfficeScan agents to support long virus names in the Damage Cleanup Template of the Damage Cleanup Services.
Cookie security is not enabled in the OfficeScan web console's HTTP response.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server files to ensure that cookie security is enabled in HTTP responses.
A directory traversal vulnerability may allow an attacker to modify arbitrary files on the product's management console.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to remove the vulnerability.
The OfficeScan agent domain name in the Trend Micro Control Manager™ server web console is not updated promptly after the information is changed on the OfficeScan web console.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server files to ensure that the OfficeScan agent domain name information on the Control Manager server web console is updated promptly after any changes in the information on the OfficeScan web console.
An error that resulted from a previous action prevents the OfficeScan agent console from opening.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
OfficeScan cannot set the database backup path to a UNC path if the server computer's name has changed.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating "OfcDBBackup.exe" to enable it to query the database backup account name using the server computer name.
An issue prevents users from sending out email messages while the OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service is running on agent computers.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan agents that have been moved to another OfficeScan server through the "Administration > Settings > Agent Connection" page still appear on the source OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
Inactive OfficeScan agents are not removed automatically when the automatic removal of inactive agents function is enabled.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that inactive agents are removed automatically when the function is enabled.
In certain environments, the Behavior Monitoring feature may add the "csrss.exe" file to the kernel exception later than expected which can then cause an interoperability issue that can trigger OfficeScan agent computers to stop unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module and enables users to configure the Behavior Monitoring feature to add "csrss.exe" to the kernel exception earlier to prevent the interoperability issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
The "root" account in the OfficeScan web console can be deleted through a Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server file to remove this vulnerability.
Garbled characters appear in SNMP messages in the Russian version of the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to encode SNMP messages in UTF-8 format to prevent this issue.
When users move an OfficeScan 11 agent to an OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server, the agent will not be able to update agent programs to version XG Service Pack 1 using the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Update Agent.
This hotfix ensures that the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Update Agent can download the agent update files from the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server.
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan agent to skip a scheduled scan when the battery life of a protected computer is below the configured percentage.
To configure the new setting:
The OfficeScan web console may be vulnerable to a storage Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attack when users add or modify agent domain names using cross-site scripts.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server file to resolve the vulnerability.
It may take a long time to log on to OfficeScan agent computers after start up.
This hotfix allows users to set the following three drivers that are related to the Virus Scan Engine to "on-demand start" on the OfficeScan agent:
To set the three drivers related to Virus Scan Engine to "on-demand start" on OfficeScan agents:
The OfficeScan utility tool "VSEncode.exe" cannot decrypt multiple files.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan utility tool to enable it to decrypt multiple files.
When endpoints with OfficeScan agents (integrated with Active Directory) resume from Sleep mode, the OfficeScan agents are moved to the "Default" domain and all policy settings are overwritten by the default policy.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan NT Listener service ("TmListen.exe") to resolve this issue.
This hotfix moves the Device Control Notification settings to a different page on the OfficeScan web console for better visibility.
This hotfix removes a redundant slash (/) in the HTML file of the "Outbreak Prevention Settings" page.
An issue prevents the OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module from retrieving the serial number of portable hard disks.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
Changes in the Update Agent Settings cannot be saved using an account role with "View" and "Configure" permissions.
This hotfix updates the role-based access (RBA) permission to solve this issue.
In a large Active Domain environment, the defined scope for unmanaged endpoints is not stored after Active Domain synchronization.
This hotfix updates certain SQL stored procedures to solve this issue.
This hotfix allows users to configure OfficeScan to generate an un-scanned files log during manual scans.
To enable OfficeScan to generate an un-scanned file log during manual scans:
The following obsolete warning message still appears in the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) section of the "Additional Setting" dialogue:
"WARNING: Enabling or disabling the Data Protection service temporarily disconnects endpoints from the network. Ensure that you change the settings only during non-critical hours to minimize connection disruptions."
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to remove the warning from the dialogue.
The status information, for example, the "File Reputation Services URL" of the off-premise agents on the "Agent Management" page of the web console do not match the information on the agent console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the information on the web console matches the information on the agent console.
OfficeScan Agent Platform Support - This Hotfix enables the OfficeScan agent program to support Microsoft™ Windows™ Server 2019.
Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) blocks a CD when users attempt to launch a file from the CD.
This hotfix improves the process flow in the DLP module to prevent false positive alerts on file access events on CDs.
The OfficeScan server may not report the "Last Startup" information of OfficeScan agents to the registered Trend Micro Control Manager™ server.
This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that the "Last Startup" information of OfficeScan agents are sent to the Control Manager server so the information appears on the Control Manager web console.
This hotfix updates Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner (TMVS) to enable it to detect OfficeScan agents that use the HTTP protocol when scanning with the SSL option enabled.
The following NT Event Log is generated when an OfficeScan agent computer shuts down or restarts.
Event ID: 7043
Level: Error
Message: The OfficeScan NT Listener service did not shut down properly after receiving a preshutdown control.
This critical patch updates OfficeScan agent program to resolve the problem.
It may take up to 15 minutes to log on to Microsoft™ Windows™ when Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) is enabled.
This critical patch allows users to disable the digital signature check during the process launch to help prevent the performance issue.
To disable the digital signature check during the process launch:
The digital signature of Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module is incomplete.
This critical patch updates the DLP module with the complete digital signature.
Exported violation logs do not contain the serial numbers of blocked mobile devices.
This critical patch updates the DLP module to ensure that the logs contain the serial numbers of blocked mobile devices.
An issue prevents the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module from monitoring the Gmail traffic properly in Microsoft Internet Explorer™ 11 on the Windows 7 platform.
This critical patch resolves the issue by updating the DLP module to enhance the protocol compatibility when parsing Gmail traffic.
The "InstDate" and "InstTime" registry keys on the OfficeScan agent registry are blank.
This critical patch updates OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the registry keys are set properly on OfficeScan agents.
The "Agent Management" page of the OfficeScan web console takes a long time to load and does not display any information.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server program to handle an exception so the "Agent Management" page displays normally.
The OfficeScan Predictive Machine Learning feature may prevent users from saving Microsoft™ Office files normally.
This critical patch mitigates the probability of this issue by enabling OfficeScan to allow Office programs to run with deferred scanning by Predictive Machine Learning.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan server files to enable the OfficeScan server to receive response headers with empty Internet Information Server(IIS) version. This helps prevent "OfcEdgeAgent.exe" from stopping unexpectedly while registering or unregistering to the OfficeScan Edge Relay server.
This hotfix updates the OfficsScan Server Files to support a maximum limit of 30 characters for file extensions in the "Scan Settings" function.
In a closed network, Ntrtscan.exe stops unexpectedly after the OfficeScan NT RealTime Scan service starts.
This hotfix resolves the issue by enabling OfficeScan to check the value of the "LocalScanServerAddress" key under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\iCRC Scan\Scan Server] and to skip iCRC handler initialization if the value is valid.
The OfficeScan agent status becomes offline because the status is checked every 50 hours.
This hotfix resolves the issue by enabling OfficeScan to update the agent status hourly.
The OfficeScan Master Service stops unexpectedly while the OfficeScan server parses the spyware log initialization file if it encounters a user login name that exceeds the default limit.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan Master Service to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not work in Google Chrome with HTTPS.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
A compatibility issue between the ClickOnce application and the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may slow down the ClickOnce application log on process.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to prevent the issue.
OfficeScan agents that update domain settings from the Update Agent cannot be isolated from the network through the Trend Micro Control Manager™ console.
This hotfix enables these OfficeScan agents to retrieve their individual settings from the OfficeScan server to ensure that these agents can be isolated successfully through the Control Manager console.
Users cannot change the default date format of the OfficeScan server and agent consoles to "DD/MM/YYYY".
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that users can change the default date format of the OfficeScan server and agent consoles to "DD/MM/YYYY".
The "Administration > Account Management > User Accounts" page of the OfficeScan web console is blank.
This hotfix resolves an issue related to internal data buffer handling to ensure that the "User Accounts" page displays information normally.
An issue prevents the DLP services from detecting when files from a ZIP file are being copied and burned to a CD or DVD.
This hotfix resolves the issue so that DLP can detect and block these events.
When the Behavior Monitoring module is enabled, users cannot save Microsoft™ Office™ files in the "Documents" folder that is synchronized with the mapped drive "Z:\" and are prompted that the path does not exist.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
Protected computers stop responding when certain third-party processes send out queries but do not respond when the Behavior Monitoring feature attempts to retrieve the file information.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
When users sync specific pptx files to the cloud in Evernote, the DLP module generates a large number of unnecessary temp files which fill up the disk space.
The hotfix resolves the issue by adding Evernote for Desktop to the DLP module's approved list.
A large number of "SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_ON" Windows Event Logs are generated on Windows 10 RS3 computers.
This hotfix updates the conditions for Windows Security Center un-registration to help prevent too many "SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_ON" Windows Event Logs.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) feature does not block the file transmission from Skype for Business.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan server may send invalid date records to Trend Micro Control Manager™.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program and SQL package to resolve the issue.
Trend Micro Control Manager™ cannot deploy component updates to the OfficeScan server successfully, because the OfficeScan Control Manager Agent (CMAgent) service starts before the OfficeScan Master Service can start completely.
This hotfix changes the startup type of the OfficeScan CMAgent service to "Automatic (Delayed Start)" to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan agent icon disappears from the system tray because the OfficeScan Monitor (PccNTMon.exe) module did not start properly.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to prevent the OfficeScan client self-protection feature from blocking "explorer.exe", "svchost.exe" and "runonce.exe".
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
The timestamp on the "Last Spyware Scan (Manual)" column in the "Agent Management" page is not updated after OfficeScan runs a manual scan on an agent computer.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to ensure that the timestamp on the "Last Spyware Scan (Manual)" column is updated promptly after a manual scan.
The update source for the Integrated Smart Protection Server is automatically set to "Trend Micro Control Manager" when users view the "Control Manager" settings page.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) Service cannot be installed successfully after the operating system restarts.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP Endpoint SDK 6.2 module.
OfficeScan agents may stop unexpectedly or encounter blue screen of death (BSOD) when the Behavior Monitoring feature is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
"Assessment > Unmanaged Endpoints" query results do not list down endpoints in any Active Domain subdomain.
This hotfix updates the "osp_cb_dbAD_GetSelectedManagementScope" stored procedure to ensure that all relevant endpoints appear in "Unmanaged Endpoints" query results.
Users cannot Single Sign-on (SSO) to the OfficeScan web console from Control Manager because "isapiClient.dll" stops unexpectedly during the process.
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to verify the data to ensure that it does not attempt to convert null data during wildcard string conversion.
The "HLog" folder disappeared from OfficeScan agent installation folder which prevents the TmListen service from creating the "HLog\Cgi" folder during startup.
This hotfix updates "TmLIsten.exe" to enable it to create the "HLog" folder before creating the "HLog\Cgi" folder.
OfficeScan still receives false positive C&C callback alerts for IP addresses that have been added into the Network Content Inspection Engine (NCIE) approved list.
This hotfix adds a checking mechanism that allows OfficeScan to ignore skipped C&C callback for outbreak notifications.
An issue prevents OfficeScan from detecting virus in files and folders on Linux™ format USB devices driven by third-party software and mounted as a disk on Microsoft™ Windows™.
This hotfix provides a way to enable the third-party tool to be full by-the-book on file attribute to solve this issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
When Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner (TMVS) Schedule Scan searches for unprotected computers, the OfficeScan client status of computers where the OfficeScan agent is installed is marked as "Not installed" in the results. This happens because the SSL checkbox setting under the scheduled scan settings is not saved properly.
This hotfix resolves the issue by ensuring that the SSL checkbox setting is saved successfully.
The OfficeScan agent port does not respond normally after users run a vulnerability diagnosis using a third-party software on the agent computer.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent module and provides a way for users to configure OfficeScan to use the queue length limit in Windows instead of the default value in OfficeScan.
To configure OfficeScan to use the queue length limit in Windows:
[Apricot::CWinHTTPHandler::CallbackRequest]QueueLengthMode: 0
or [Apricot::CWinHTTPHandler::CallbackRequest]QueueLengthMode: 1
Some un-used dialog boxes for the PccNtMon service are pushed to the foreground when the OfficeScan agent computer restarts.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent program.
Mobile Devices monitored by DLP may block the connection to the Cisco AnyConnect Network Adapter.
This hotfix updates DLP Endpoint SDK 6.2 to prevent this issue.
Scheduled Scan is triggered unexpectedly when OfficeScan detects the Google Drive File Stream desktop application on an agent computer.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that scheduled scan works normally on agent computers.
OfficeScan agents cannot download pattern files from the OfficeScan server normally because the agents are identified as individual agents and are made to connect to the Update Agent (UA).
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan NT Listener service ("TmListen.exe") to ensure that OfficeScan agents can retrieve pattern files directly from the OfficeScan server.
An exception error triggers the OfficeScan Master Service to stop unexpectedly while querying the Ransomware Logs of the Ransomware Widget from the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve the issue.
The "Scans Network Drive" feature of Manual Scan may not work properly on OfficeScan agent computers.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to make sure Manual Scan can scan network drives and folders mapped to OfficeScan agent endpoints.
Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service may stop unexpectedly while accessing Adobe Acrobat/Reader on Windows 10 agent computers. When this happens, Adobe Acrobat/Reader also stops unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
The "file extensions" field under the "File Attributes DLP identifier" section does not accept entries that contain an underscore "_".
This hotfix updates the DLP module to enable the "file extensions" field to support the underscore character "_".
The Trend Micro Common Module (EYES) may cause a high CPU usage issue on protected computers.
This hotfix updates the Trend Micro Common Module to prevent the high CPU usage issue.
OfficeScan 10.6 Service Pack 2 Hotfix Build 3435 allows OfficeScan servers to deploy the "NTRtScanInitSleep" key globally to all OfficeScan agents. However, when a user manually configures the "NTRtScanInitSleep" key on a specific agent, the "NTRtScanInitSleep" setting reverts to "0" automatically once the "NTRtScanInitSleep" key is deployed globally from the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the "NTRtScanInitSleep" setting in agents that have been manually configured will remain the same after the server deploys the setting globally.
The OfficeScan server may not be able to apply Control Manager policies to OfficeScan agents if there is a large amount of OfficeScan agents. When this happens, it will show the policy is in "Pending" status in the Policy Management page of the Control Manager web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that OfficeScan servers apply Control Manager policies normally.
This hotfix enables users to configure OfficeScan to send notifications to administrators after automatically removing inactive agents.
To configure the notifications for when OfficeScan removes inactive agents:
For example:
NOTE: Token variables for removing inactive agents notification
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) feature to support the APEX One all-in-one activation code (AC) key.
If an OfficeScan agent endpoint machine uses EAP-TLS authentication to connect to the network but does not specify a certificate for EAP-TLS authentication, its operating system may refer to the ofcsslagent certificate instead of the certificate for Radius verification. When this happens, the OfficeScan agent endpoint will not be able to connect to the network.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan agent program and moves the ofcsslagent certificate from the "Personal" folder to the "OfficeScan SSL Agent" folder to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan agents may experience a performance issue if a query to the Certified Safe Software Service is unsuccessful.
This critical patch updates Behavior Monitoring to limit the number of queries sent to the Certified Safe Software Service. If Behavior Monitoring is unable to successfully query the Certified Safe Software Service 5 times, the query is queued for 180 seconds to reduce the performance impact.
To configure the maximum number of unsuccessful queries and the amount of time the query stays in the queue:
This critical patch enables the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent program to support Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 (version 1809) October 2018 Update.
When the server migration tool imports settings from OfficeScan 11 to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, the Behavior Monitoring settings of the root/domain level are not migrated successfully.
This hotfix resolves the issue by ensuring that the server migration tool retrieves the Behavior Monitoring settings of the root/domain level from the correct configuration file (ofcscan.ini).
In Microsoft™ Windows™ 10, the "Windows Security and Maintenance" page indicates that the "Trend Micro Personal Firewall" is "Off" after the Trend Micro NT Firewall Service has been removed manually.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan NT Listener service ("TmListen.exe") to ensure that the "Trend Micro Personal Firewall" no longer appears on the "Windows Security and Maintenance" page when it has been removed.
To configure OfficeScan to automatically remove "Trend Micro Personal Firewall" from the "Windows Security and Maintenance" page after the Trend Micro NT Firewall Service is removed:
The information in the "action" column on Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) logs in OfficeScan is not consistent with the corresponding information in the DLP logs on Trend Micro Control Manager™.
This hotfix resolves the issue by modifying the wording in the "action" column in DLP logs on both the OfficeScan server and agents.
Regular expressions that contain a newline delimiter in a DLP policy do not work.
The hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve the issue.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not work properly when the DLP policy is configured with multiple DLP templates.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to ensure that it works normally when the DLP policy has multiple DLP templates.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to speed up the performance of the OfficeScan web console in running an Advanced Search when there is a large number of multi-layered domains.
To improve the OfficeScan web console Advanced Search performance:
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to send the Data Protection Status on the agent management tree to the Control Manager server and allows the Control Manager server to query the Data Protection Status in Product Status logs to ensure that the information is consistent at both ends.
NOTE: This feature also requires the installation of a corresponding Control Manager hotfix.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to support the new Gmail interface.
When the "PrivilegeContolSetting" global setting is enabled on an OfficeScan agent, users cannot delete files from some folders, for example "FLog/HLog/Suspect", because of insufficient permissions.
This hotfix resolves this issue by giving users the required read and write permissions for the "FLog/HLog/Suspect" folders when "PrivilegeContolSetting" is enabled.
Issues related to the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may prevent users from accessing network drives and cause Microsoft™ Outlook™ to stop responding.
This hotfix resolves the issues by updating the Behavior Monitoring module and enabling users to configure certain settings in the registry.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
On the Trend Micro Control Manager™ console, the value on the "Pattern/Rule Version" field in Virus/Malware information grid table reports is always "0".
This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that Virus/Malware information grid table reports on the Control Manager console display accurate "Pattern/Rule Version" information.
After the OfficeScanNT Real-time Scan ("Ntrtscan.exe") service restarts, it scans folders in the exclusion list.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScanNT Real-time Scan ("Ntrtscan.exe") service to ensure that it skips folders and files in the exclusion list.
After an OfficeScan agent computer shuts down, its connection status on the OfficeScan web console remains as "Online" instead of automatically changing to "Offline". This happens because an agent computer may not be able to report its status to the OfficeScan server when it shuts down too fast.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the agent status on the OfficeScan web console is updated promptly after the agent computer shuts down.
OfficeScan agent computers may experience blue screen of death (BSOD) while running the IBM ClearCase third-party program when Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) is enabled.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The DLP module cannot detect sensitive keywords that were specified using XML escape characters, for example &, <, >, followed by spaces in the Keyword List of Data Identifier.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to ensure that it can catch these sensitive keywords normally.
The OfficeScan server may hang because there are too many "cgiOnScan.exe" processes almost running at the same time. This situation occurs when the schedule scan runs on many OfficeScan agents.
The hotfix resolves this issue by adding a random waiting time function for OfficeScan agents while calling the "cgiOnScan.exe" function.
A DLP Endpoint SDK hotfix may not be deployed to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agents properly when the "EnforceAuSign" setting is enabled.
This hotfix updates the hotfix patch mechanism and the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that hotfixes are deployed successfully to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agents when the "EnforceAuSign" setting is enabled.
This hotfix enables users to configure customized update source lists by sending a command from Trend Micro Control Manager™ to a managed OfficeScan server. The customized update source list can be applied to all agents under the OfficeScan server.
NOTE: You need to apply Control Manager Hotfix 2964 to enable Control Manager to support this feature.
An issue related to the OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may prevent protected computers from accessing remote folders.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module and enables users to configure the feature to skip file events related to "desktop.ini" and remote directories to help resolve the issue.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ (IE) stops unexpectedly because of a Browser Exploit Prevention memory allocation failure when users browse files through a 3rd-party web application.
This hotfix updates the Browser Exploit Prevention module (version 9.2.2066) to prevent it from stopping unexpectedly when it encounters issues while allocating memory.
The OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module cannot block users from uploading file attachments in Gmail on Mozilla(R) Firefox(R).
This hotfix updates the DLP module to enable it to block the upload of file attachments in Gmail on Firefox.
The OfficeScan DLP module still monitors non-monitored domain email messages.
This hotfix ensures that the DLP module skips non-monitored domain email messages.
On the OfficeScan web console, the tooltips in the "Behavior Monitoring Settings" under the "Global Agent Settings" may confuse users.
This hotfix updates the tooltips to prevent confusion.
"For "newly encountered program" handling, the maximum prompt timer is 25 seconds. If the timer is set to a value greater than 25 seconds, the newly encountered program prompt defaults to 25. For normal Behavior Monitoring program access, the configured time is used."
"For "newly encountered program" handling, the maximum prompt timer is 25 seconds, If the timer is set to a value greater than 25 seconds, the newly encountered program prompt defaults to 25. For "Ask when necessary" action of "Event Monitor" handling, the configured time is used."
Endpoints may stop unexpectedly or experience a blue screen of death (BSOD) while accessing Microsoft Excel files when DLP is enabled on the OfficeScan agent.
This hotfix updates the Data Protection module to resolve this issue.
OfficeScan still receives false positive C&C callback alerts for IP addresses that have been added into the Network Content Inspection Engine (NCIE) approved list.
This hotfix resolves this issue by enabling users to create a list of IP addresses exempted from C&C callback alerts.
To create a list and add IP addresses to the C&C callback alert exception list:
In certain non-English versions of the OfficeScan web console, clicking on the "Web Reputation" link under the known threats section in the "Overall Threat Detections and Policy Violations" widget opens a blank browser window.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to ensure that the information can be displayed normally.
A deployment cache error may cause the Trend Micro Control Manager™ server to display inaccurate OfficeScan agent policy deployment status.
This hotfix updates the policy cache handler in the policy cache to ensure that the most updated policy deployment status appears on the Control Manager console.
OfficeScan agents block the Think-cell application used in the Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel when the User Mode Hooking (UMH) function enabled.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan UMH module to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan server cannot apply a Control Manager policy if the policy settings contain any UTF-8 character.
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan server to handle UTF-8 strings in Control Manager policies to resolve the issue.
Users encounter the "Unable to establish connection. Verify the connection settings and try again." error message after specifying an Active Directory (AD) domain password that contains a plus sign "+" in "Administration > Active Directory > Active Directory Integration > Specify Domain Credential > Input Domain Credential > Save and Synchronize" on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server file to resolve the issue.
The Threat Type of Security Risk Detections Over Time widget displays inaccurate information after users click on an item if the web console time zone is set to any time zone west of GMT.
This hotfix resolves this issue by enabling the widget to use the local time zone to calculate the starting time stamp of "00:00" when exporting the database.
After applying Hotfix 5186/5194/5202, certain OfficeScan processes may stop unexpectedly under certain scenarios.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
To configure the OfficeScan agent to skip AD synchronization during updates before applying this hotfix:
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to check if the following DLP PE files contain the Trend Micro Signature.
Users cannot add a Firewall Profile with the "Logon name" criterion on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix enables users to add Firewall Profiles with the "Logon name" criterion.
The "RelayClientGetHotfixFrom" setting in OfficeScan agents always indicate "HTTP" even when update agents communicate with other OfficeScan agents by HTTPS.
This hotfix ensures that the "RelayClientGetHotfixFrom" registry key always indicates the correct setting.
Device Control cannot block iPhones on Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 RS3 and any higher version.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module to enable Device Control to block iPhones on Windows 10 RS3 and any higher version.
The OfficeScan Predictive Machine Learning feature does not use anonymous information when sending threat information queries to the Trend Micro Backend Machine Learning Service and the Behavior Monitoring feature may share non-anonymous threat information with the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network (SPN).
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program and the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve this issue.
Copying files from a shared folder to a USB flash drive may generate multiple copies of forensic data in the DLP forensic quarantine folder which may eventually take up too much disk space in both the OfficeScan server and client computers.
This hotfix updates DLP Endpoint SDK 6.2 to add a log throttling feature to help prevent the issue from occurring.
To enable the log throttling feature:
An issue related to the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module may cause a platform's performance to slow down when multiple users login at the same time.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
After applying Hotfix 5180, the "Scan Now" and "Agent Uninstallation" pages display all OfficeScan agents even when users select only one or a few agents before clicking "Scan Now" or "Agent Uninstallation".
This hotfix ensures that the "Scan Now" and "Agent Uninstallation" pages display only the selected agents.
A process stops responding while starting up when DLP API hooking events logs are enabled.
The hotfix resolves the issue by adding non-interested Microsoft™ Windows™ processes into the API hooking approved list.
Sometimes, Microsoft™ Windows™ Defender is not enabled automatically after uninstalling the OfficeScan agent even when configured to do so.
This hotfix ensures that when configured to do so, Windows Defender is enabled automatically after uninstalling an OfficeScan agent.
When an OfficeScan agent detects a file on the Volume Shadow copy, the "Action" result in the Suspicious File logs on the agent console and on the Trend Micro Control Manager™ web console appears as "Unable to quarantine the file", but displays as "Quarantined" on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan NT Listener service ("TmListen.exe") to ensure that the "Action" results in Suspicious File logs on the OfficeScan web console matches the information on the agent console and Control Manager web console.
An OfficeScan agent may take a long time to complete an update while Device Control is enabled in a complicated Active Directory (AD) environment.
The hotfix resolves the issue by enabling users to configure the OfficeScan agent to skip AD synchronization during updates.
To configure the OfficeScan agent to skip AD synchronization during updates:
The "Channel" results in Data Loss Protection™ (DLP) logs appear as "FileWrite" on the OfficeScan agent console but are displayed as "IM (Skype for Business)" on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that "Channel" results in DLP logs on the OfficeScan agent console are consistent with the information on the OfficeScan web console.
Some OfficeScan agents keep sending requests to the server frequently which causes a high CPU usage issue on the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
This hotfix enables users to specify a registry configuration for OfficeScan agents to work around interoperability or false alarm issues when the Anti-exploit Protection feature is enabled under the OfficeScan User-Mode Hooking settings.
To enable users to specify the registry configuration for OfficeScan agents:
This hotfix updates OfficeScan NT Listener and allows users to configure OfficeScan to automatically remove the Trend Micro NT Firewall Service (tmpfw.exe) and Trend Micro Network Driver Interface Specification Filter driver (tmlwf.sys) after OfficeScan Firewall service is disabled.
To configure OfficeScan to automatically remove the Trend Micro NT Firewall Service (tmpfw.exe) and Trend Micro Network Driver Interface Specification Filter driver (tmlwf.sys) after OfficeScan Firewall service is disabled:
A possible ZDI-CAN-6104 compromise may cause the OfficeScan NT RealTime Scan ("Ntrtscan.exe") service to stop unexpectedly.
This critical patch updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the vulnerability.
Scheduled scan is postponed because OfficeScan detects full screen mode even when there are no windows in full screen mode.
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to ignore windows that do not have visible content during full screen mode detection.
The OfficeScan NT Listener service ("TmListen.exe") may stop unexpectedly after the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent restarts. When this happens, the agent update fails.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent the "TmListen.exe" from stopping unexpectedly.
When the OfficeScan agent detects a virus/malware, it may not be able to move the quarantined file to the OfficeScan server. This happens when the OfficeScan agent could not resolve the hostname of the OfficeScan server properly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
After upgrading to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, the default communication port between the OfficeScan agent and the server changed to SSL port 4343. For OfficeScan agents with the firewall enabled, the firewall continues to use the older port 8080 as a trusted port and prevents the OfficeScan agent from connecting to the server.
This hotfix resolves this issue by ensuring that updated OfficeScan agents add port 4343 to the OfficeScan firewall trusted port list. To ensure that the network quarantine feature continues to function, this hotfix also adds the IPv4 DNS and WINS ports to the trusted port list.
User encounter an "Invalid Session…" error when making changes to the OfficeScan settings through the web console using an Active Directory (AD) user account that belongs to a sub group.
This hotfix resolves the issue by adding the caller function "checkingRBAMenuRoles" to use the AD token to get information from all domain layers.
In assessment mode, Web Reputation logs display the "Action" results as "Assess" on the OfficeScan web console but shows "Block" in the Trend Micro Control Manager™ web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan Web Reputation module to ensure that the "Action" results in Web Reputation logs on the OfficeScan web console are consistent with the information on the Control Manager web console in assessment mode.
When OfficeScan agents are configured not to upgrade the OfficeScan agent program or deploy hotfixes, inaccurate minor version information appears for the Advanced Threat Scan Engine (ATSE) on the agent console after ATSE updates from the ActiveUpdate (AU) Server. For example, the minor version number is displayed as "10.2.1006" instead of "10.200.1006".
This hotfix ensures that the agent console displays the ATSE version information accurately.
An exception error triggers the OfficeScan Master Service to stop unexpectedly while extracting a pattern file from a compressed file.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan Master Service to enable it to handle the exception.
This hotfix improves OfficeScan's security checking feature for digital signatures during program deployment in air gap network environments by allowing users to configure the interval of the uploading digital signature check failure logs. This hotfix also decommissions the following settings:
To configure the interval of the uploading digital signature check failure logs:
This hotfix enables users to configure the Behavior Monitoring autorun function to skip devices in the Device Access Control (DAC) approved list.
To configure the Behavior Monitoring autorun function to skip devices in the DAC approved list:
Users may not be able to print files normally on a protected endpoint when both the OfficeScan Predictive Machine Learning feature and the Behavior Monitoring feature are enabled.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the Behavior Monitoring module.
The Behavior Monitoring feature may prevent users from opening Microsoft™ Office programs normally if the OfficeScan agent cannot connect to the Trend Micro Census Server properly.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the Behavior Monitoring module.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) Service may prevent users from accessing Microsoft™ Excel files normally.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
Microsoft Internet Explorer™ (IE) stops unexpectedly because of a Browser Exploit Prevention memory allocation failure when users browse files through a 3rd-party web application.
This hotfix updates the Browser Exploit Prevention module to prevent it from stopping unexpectedly when it encounters issues while allocating memory.
Users encounter an "Update Failed" message after clicking the "Update Information" button on the product license page.
This hotfix resolves the issue by enabling OfficeScan to clear existing garbage data in the structures.
Sometimes, the database cannot retrieve strings with special characters when the server queries the Domain Name. When this happens, garbage characters appear on the "Agent Component Update Details" page.
This hotfix updates the related database modules to ensure that the database can retrieve strings with special characters while resolving domain names.
After users apply Hotfix 5158 included in version 6.2.1208 of the DLP module, the list of approved devices does not work until after the DLP service restarts.
The hotfix updates the DLP module to resolve the issue.
An attacker may craft a malicious request and cause AMSP to help on creating a process that provides SYSTEM privileges to the attackers.
This hotfix updates the AMSP file ("coreCommandmanager.dll") to resolve this issue.
This hotfix adds a new configuration key to allow users to manually add websites to the monitored list.
To configure the new setting for DLP:
The OfficeScan server deploys the settings to OfficeScan agents and adds the following key in the "" file in the "\Windows\System32\dgagent\" folder:
Users have "Full Control" permission on the OfficeScan client folder because the Osprey function resets the OfficeScan client folder permission from "Read&Execute" to "Full Control".
This hotfix resolves this issue by adjusting the OfficeScan client folder permission to "Read&Execute" right after the Osprey function runs.
The Recent file list is missing from the right-click menu on the Microsoft™ Windows™ taskbar and from the "Start" menu when the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) Service is enabled.
This hotfix resolves this issue by updating the file event scanning procedure for "RuntimeBroker.exe" with the Microsoft Windows Jump List under the "automaticdestinations-ms" folder.
Users are unable to eject encrypted flash drives when the system enables Trend Micro Predictive Machine Learning on coexisting OfficeScan agents.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to prevent this issue from occurring.
To enable the feature for OfficeScan agents and the OfficeScan server:
DLP Service may not be able to block devices properly if users enable these devices in the Device Manager function of the computer.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
Administrators cannot set a registry key when installing third- party applications, which is caused by the OfficeScan Self-protection function.
This hotfix exempts the "Msiexec.exe" installer from the OfficeScan Self-protection function and ensures that administrators can successfully install third-party applications.
Detection notification does not pop up and there is no record in the security risk log when users try to open a malware file from the network drive.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScanNT real-time scan ("Ntrtscan.exe") function and enables the real-time scan to go through the correct process, ensuring that the real-time scan accesses and scans files located on network drives.
Users experience PsTools interference issues because Windows cannot access "C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe" program on x86 platforms.
The hotfix amends the Unauthorized Change Prevention policy to resolve this issue.
The DLP version appears as 0.0.0 on both the management console and agent console.
This hotfix ensures that the correct DLP version appears on both the management console and agent console.
OfficeScan off-premises agents connected to the OfficeScan Edge Relay server fail to send virus/spyware logs to the OfficeScan server.
The hotfix resolves this issue by enabling OfficeScan to resend the HTTP request while receiving the "ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST" message.
When the Advanced Protection Service is disabled in an OfficeScan agent, smvptn files accumulate and are not cleaned promptly.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the NTRT module to check the current smv patterns to keep only the two most recent versions and delete all older versions.
This hotfix provides administrators a way to adjust the header size limit and number of entities to detect risky emails.
To adjust the header size limit and number of entities to detect risky email messages:
For example:
This hotfix enables DLP Endpoint SDK 6.2 to support the device type exception keys for USB devices in the DLP Device Control mode.
The Common Firewall driver generates incorrect and outdated search results on the OfficeScan web console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to prevent this issue from occurring.
Users can enable "Export Scan Exclusions" to save the scan exclusions list in a CSV format on the OfficeScan server. However, the exclusion lists are not displayed correctly in the German version of OfficeScan.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to resolve this issue.
Even if users have local administrator privileges with their user accounts, the following error message still appears when installing OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent using AUTOPCC via the login script:
"To install/uninstall the OfficeScan Agent, you must have administrator privileges to this computer."
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to resolve this issue.
When Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) Service is enabled on a virtual Windows Server, it causes the endpoint to freeze or become unresponsive within intervals of a few minutes.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module.
When users perform a fresh installation of an OfficeScan agent with conventional scan mode using an "*.exe" package or the "AutoPcc.exe" file, the system does not generate some registry keys required by the Predictive Machine Learning feature.
This hotfix ensures that the system generates all necessary registry keys when an OfficeScan agent is installed with conventional scan mode.
A compatibility issue between "Optimus5.exe" and OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring may cause "Optimus5.exe" to become unresponsive.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the Behavior Monitoring module.
Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner (TMVS) stops unexpectedly when users configure Scheduled Scan tasks that exceed 16 characters.
This hotfix resolves the issue so users can configure Scheduled Scan tasks normally.
Trend X alerts are disabled unexpectedly.
The hotfix prevents OfficeScan from resetting the TrendxAlert registry key when the TmListen service starts if the agent is not a fresh installation.
OfficeScan agents send a sample file even when sample submission is disabled.
This hotfix enables OfficeScan agents to always check the "EnableSampleSubmission" key and apply the correct setting so that these agents do not send out sample files when sample submission is disabled.
In some user environments where Windows Updates are not applied, OfficeScan agents may not be able to update their Smart Scan Pattern properly.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the Active Update module.
When an OfficeScan client detects a sample virus file (EICAR.COM), it may not be able to send the file to the OfficeScan server. This happens when a Windows socket error prevents it from extracting the correct IP address.
This hotfix resolves this issue so that the OfficeScan client can retrieve the correct IP address and send the files out normally.
The hotfix enables the Integrated Data Loss Prevention (DLP) module to support PGP Desktop 10.3.2 by adding the PGP 10.3.2 API pattern.
This hotfix enables Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) Endpoint SDK 6.2 to skip the Domain Name System (DNS) from resolving customized web sites.
To configure the new setting for DLP:
An issue related to the Trend Micro OfficeScan Firewall driver may cause multiple Privilege Escalation and Pool Corruption vulnerabilities.
This critical patch updates the Trend Micro OfficeScan Firewall driver to resolve the vulnerabilities.
This critical patch enables the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agent program to support Windows 10 (version 1803) April 2018 Update.
An issue prevents OfficeScan from detecting file attachments in Gmail.
The hotfix resolves the issue by enabling OfficeScan to parse file attachments using an HTTP and HTTP/2 parser.
The Scan Exclusion Directories and Scan Exclusion Files lists allow users to add more than 256 items.
This hotfix ensures that OfficeScan only allows users to add up to 256 items to the lists which is the limitation indicated in the Administrator's Guide.
After users apply Hotfix 5110, the "Role" column disappears from the "User Accounts" screen of the web console.
This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that the "Role" column appears on the "User Accounts" screen.
Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner (TMVS) stop working when users select more than two endpoints to install Trend Micro OfficeScan agent(s).
This hotfix resolves the issue and provides a way to ensure that the correct port is used in "TMVS.ini" and "Schedule.ini".
To modify "TMVS.ini" and "Schedule.ini" so that both use the correct port:
When an Edge Server is installed and used in an environment and users deploy gateway IPs to an OfficeScan agent machine, and if the assigned gateway IPs and gateway IPs on the machine do not match, the OfficeScan agent will only connect to Edge Server even when the agent can connect to the OfficeScan Server in the same network.
The hotfix updates the "Synchronize" registry key in the Misc file for Client/Server Communication so that when it is set to "0", the agent will connect to the OfficeScan server under the scenario described above.
OfficeScan agents may appear "Offline" on the OfficeScan web console but "Online" when viewing the OfficeScan agent icon.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service of the OfficeScan agent may not be installed or started properly.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The Dashboard Summary on the OfficeScan web console shows that there are violation logs generated within the last 24 hours but a manual check indicates that no logs were generated in the same time frame.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that the Dashboard Summary displays accurate information.
When users log on to any non-English version of the OfficeScan web console with a created user account, the Dashboard pages show English content.
The hotfix ensures that the Dashboard pages display in the correct language when users log on to the OfficeScan web console using user accounts created after installing this hotfix.
An agent's connection status icon is grayed-out in the agent console flyover when the agent uses conventional scan mode and only Real-time Scan is enabled.
The hotfix ensures that the connection status icon is green when agents use conventional scan mode and only Real-time Scan is enabled. The connection status signal will be grayed-out only if all modules are disabled even when agents are connected to the OfficeScan server.
A SQL exception occurs when the OfficeScan agent GUID field is empty.
The hotfix enables OfficeScan to handle the exception to resolve the issue.
The PccNtMon service does not apply updates to the Local Area Network (LAN) proxy settings to the proxy settings of Predictive Machine Learning when both the Smart Protection Service and Smart Scan are disabled.
This hotfix ensures that changes to the LAN proxy settings are automatically applied to the Predictive Machine Learning proxy settings.
NOTE: If you experience this issue, you need to manually save the LAN proxy setting again after applying this hotfix.
This hotfix adds the "MAX_FILE_SIZE" and "MAX_TXT_FILE_SIZE" parameters to enable users to set the file size limitation for DLP content scanning.
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to monitor open file dialog and drag and drop events for Sugarsync and Hightail.
A user requests for an API to automate the move and uninstall agent processes.
To enable the new settings:
This hotfix enables OfficeScan to detect "Italy: CF – Codice Fiscale (Tax Code)" keywords that do not contain any space.
Microsoft™ Surface™ computers where the OfficeScan agent is installed may stop unexpectedly and experience blue screen of death (BSOD) when the Behavior Monitoring feature is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
The performance of protected computers slows down when the engine processes a PostClose event in "\Device\Volume".
This hotfix provides a way to configure OfficeScan to skip PreClose and PostClose events in "\Device\Volume".
To enable OfficeScan to skip PreClose and PostClose events in "\Device\Volume":
The Keyparc Business program may take one minute to open a newly-created file on an encrypted drive on OfficeScan client computers.
This hotfix imports new tmcomm drivers to help ensure that the Keyparc Business program can open newly-created files on encrypted drives normally.
To enable the new service settings:
After a session times out, an Active Directory (AD) account user can logon to the OfficeScan web console again without providing a username and password by refreshing the web page.
This hotfix resolves the issue to ensure that AD account users are required to provide the login credentials again after refreshing the web page.
OfficeScan's CPU usage may rise when uploading files to Citrix "" website.
This hotfix helps keep OfficeScan's CPU usage within the manageable levels when it uploads files to "".
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module stops unexpectedly while processing General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) information.
This hotfix ensures that the DLP module can process GDPR strings normally.
The DLP module uses a large amount of CPU resources.
The hotfix keeps the DLP module's CPU usage within normal levels.
The CPU usage of the Trend Micro Data Protection Service reaches up to 25 to 30 percent when users upload an .mp4 file to Google Drive through a web browser.
The hotfix provides a way to prevent the CPU usage of the Data Protection Services from rising when users upload .mp4 files to Google Drive and Dropbox.
To configure the new setting for DLP on Google Drive and Dropbox:
OfficeScan doesn't automatically remove older offline agents with same computer name and IP addresses after verifying the server-agent connection.
The hotfix ensures that OfficeScan automatically removes older offline agents with same computer name and IP addresses after verifying the server-agent connection.
The OfficeScan Firewall service may block the connection of a new generation NIC interface on Miracast devices.
This hotfix provides a way to adopt the new NIC interface settings from Miracast devices.
To enable the new settings:
OfficeScan agents with the program inspection feature enabled may encounter issues with third-party programs due to a conflict with the Memory Scan Trigger pattern (tmmst.ptn/tmmst64.ptn).
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The OfficeScan User Mode Hooking (UMH) function may prevent the system from shutting down normally.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan UMH module to resolve this issue.
The User Mode Hooking (UMH) module exclusion list does not accept UNC paths that contain any wildcard character.
This hotfix enables the UMH module exclusion list to accept UNC paths that contain wildcard characters.
The Security Threat URL information in Virus/Malware logs do not appear in search results.
The hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program and the "Virus_Encyclopedia_URL" to ensure that the correct Virus/Malware information appears on the redirected Threat Encyclopedia web page.
The OfficeScan agent's memory usage increases when users open and close sub windows too many times.
This hotfix allows users to configure OfficeScan to monitor the pccnt memory usage and to close the pccnt console automatically once the memory usage reaches 512 MB.
To configure OfficeScan to monitor the pccnt memory usage and to close the pccnt console automatically once the memory usage reaches 512 MB:
The assessment function lists OfficeScan agent computers under the "No OfficeScan agent installed".
This hotfix resolves the issue by enabling the assessment engine to try both HTTPS and HTTP to connect to clients.
When the HTTPS communication port of OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agents is not configured correctly, these agents will not be able to connect to an OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server that was upgraded from an OfficeScan 11 server.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
There are spelling errors in the French version of the OfficeScan agent console's "Console Flyover" page.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to correct the spelling error on the page.
OfficeScan agents in conventional scan mode without Internet connection cannot send Predictive Machine Learning threat queries when the "Use configured Smart Protection Sources for service queries" feature is enabled.
This hotfix resolves the issue generating the necessary registry values to properly configure the Predictive Machine Learning and the "Use configured Smart Protection Sources for service queries" feature.
Microsoft™ added a feature in Microsoft Windows™ 10 Fall Creators Update (RS3). After this update, the Windows Defender Security Center can no longer recognize the status of the OfficeScan antivirus and firewall.
This hotfix enables the OfficeScan agent to report the "substatus" of both the antivirus and firewall to the Windows Security Center so that the Windows Defender Security Center displays the correct antivirus product status.
In Microsoft Internet Explorer™ 11, illegal attachments in Yahoo Mail US attached using the "attached" button are not blocked.
The hotfix enables OfficeScan to recognize the attachment filename in Yahoo Mail encoded in UTF-8 MIME.
Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption (TMEE) cannot encrypt files normally when iDLP is enabled.
The hotfix adds the new TMEE build (6.0.2023) in the approved list of the DLP module to resolve this issue.
The Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 services do not start when a protected computer starts.
This hotfix implements customized configurations to allow users to enable or disable the VMware ThinApp application detection feature which can help ensure that Windows 10 services start normally.
To configure the new setting for DLP:
The "Agents Connected to the Edge Relay Server" widget may display inaccurate date information if the server and browser are both set to time zone earlier than UTC-1, for example, UTC-6.
This hotfix implements the following to resolve this issue:
Scans triggered by the PccNT command may not be able to scan a file on a network drive.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan client program to ensure that it can scan files in a network drive normally.
Samples are sent to the Deep Discovery Analyzer server without any host name information.
This hotfix ensures that OfficeScan server sends samples to the Deep Discovery Analyzer with the correct source host information.
This hotfix enables users to configure OfficeScan to allow a user with restricted access to connect to an approved wireless SSID and to block these users from connecting to any wired network. This helps ensure that the user does not connect to both a wireless and a wired network at the same time.
To enable restricted users to connect to an approved wireless SSID and block these users from using any wired network:
The OfficeScan web console does not display an alert when the Smart Scan Pattern is out-of-date.
To apply and deploy the solution globally:
This hotfix updates the DLP module to support API hooking in Windows 10 RS4 (10.0.17133)
The hotfix enables OfficeScan to monitor file upload traffic for "" and "" by adding the related file upload patterns for specific websites.
This hotfix extends the capacity of the Control Device USB Exception list to support up to 100,000 entries.
An OfficeScan agent computer stops responding when the Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) service is enabled while OneDrive for Business is running.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the DLP module to improve the OneDrive for Business synchronization folder checking mechanism.
There is a spelling error in the "Action on Exception Rule" page of the OfficeScan agent console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to correct the spelling error on the page.
Users may experience long loading times for websites when Web Reputation is enabled. This happens because OfficeScan XG agents that use a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file to establish proxy connection with a Smart Protection Server do not connect to the expected proxy.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to resolve this issue.
The "Offline Time" column on the OfficeScan web console displays inaccurate information.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to ensure that the correct offline time information appears in the "Offline Time" column.
The OfficeScan server may export the wrong agent list information because there is not enough buffer memory.
This hotfix enlarges the buffer size to fix this issue.
Users may encounter an "Update Failed" alert when they try to update the product license through the OfficeScan management console.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that users can update the product license successfully through the OfficeScan management console.
This hotfix enables DLP to support UnionPay credit cards.
The Behavior Monitor re-entry on the PostCreate event may trigger a blue scree of death (BOSD) on Microsoft™ Windows™ XP embedded systems.
This hotfix adds an anti-re-entry checking mechanism to the ActMonFilePostCreate task to resolve the issue.
A network bandwidth issue occurs while Update Now is running.
This hotfix adds the following conditions to prevent the OfficeScan agent from querying the Active Directory (AD) to prevent the network bandwidth issue.
An issue related to the Trend Micro OfficeScan Firewall driver may cause multiple Privilege Escalation and Pool Corruption vulnerabilities.
This hotfix updates the Trend Micro OfficeScan Firewall driver to resolve the vulnerabilities.
An issue prevents OfficeScan from blocking sensitive information sent through the HTTP(S) in "".
This hotfix ensures that OfficeScan can block sensitive information in "" by adding a new formdata pattern for the site.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module to enable its Device Control feature to work on portable devices with read-only permission.
To enable the new service settings:
Certain Dell computers freeze after installing the OfficeScan agent.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
Ntrtscan stops unexpectedly while patterns are reloaded and OfficeScan still waits for the scan to stop. This happens when there are too many manual scan context instances.
This hotfix resolves the issue by preventing OfficeScan from waiting for Ntrtscan to finish when it has already stopped and removes unused manual scan context instances from OfficeScan computers.
The Certified Safe Software Service may not work properly on OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 agents if users enabled the Smart Protection Service Proxy for service queries.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan agent program to ensure that the Certified Safe Software Service works as expected.
The "ClientUUID" information in the "OfcCCCAUpdate.ini" file of OfficeScan XG clients is one character shorter than the correct value and contains garbled characters.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan XG client files to ensure that OfficeScan clients retrieves and stores the correct "ClientUUID" information.
Communication between OfficeScan and Trend Micro Control Manager™ stops when the "SourceUUID" information in the "ofcDdaSrv.ini" file changes.
This hotfix updates OfficeScan XG server files to ensure that the communication between OfficeScan XG and Control Manager is not interrupted when the "SourceUUID" information changes.
When OfficeScan integrates with an Active Directory (AD) Server, users on the first layer will have the same domain management scope. While users on the second layer can login to the OfficeScan web console normally, they do not have privileges to view and manage the domains under the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix changes the method to get all AD groups from the logon token and allow each AD user account to query all groups and manage domains under the same OfficeScan server.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module blocks the Skype application.
This hotfix updates the DLP module that contains the improved process flow to prevent false positive alerts when the Skype application conducts file access events on its temporary files.
A protected computer stops responding when the Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor triggers frequent file scans.
The hotfix ensures that a protected computer runs normally when the Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor triggers file scans frequently.
The Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module does not monitor upload transfers in
This hotfix adds to the DLP module's "browser_pattern.xml" file to enable the module to monitor open file dialog and drag and drop operations on the website.
The OfficeScan Predictive Machine Learning feature may prevent users from printing Microsoft™ Office files or from downloading these files through a web browser normally.
This hotfix provides a way for users to approve programs to run with deferred scanning by Predictive Machine Learning to prevent these issues.
To approve programs to run with deferred scanning by Predictive Machine Learning:
For example:
The system information, product information, product version, and entity icon do not update automatically.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan 12.0 Service Pack 1 server file to ensure that the system information, product information, product version, and entity icon are updated correctly.
A time-of-check/time-of-use privilege escalation vulnerability exists with the "tmusa.sys" kernel file (Osprey).
This hotfix updates the kernel files for Osprey to address the vulnerability.
The certificate of the "saknet.sys" file is valid from March 23, 2016 to June 28, 2017 only.
This hotfix replaces the "saknet.sys" file in the Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) module with a "saknet.sys" file that contains a valid certificate.
Some unexpected hostname IPs may be resolved during the drag-and-drop and open file dialog upload for supported web services and "" IP resolution is not supported during browser file upload.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to enable it to first check if a hostname belongs to the supported web services list before attempting to resolve the IP address during the drag-and-drop and open file dialog upload. This hotfix also adds support for "" in the supported web services list.
A protected computer may stop unexpectedly when an invalid policy is set for the DLP services.
This hotfix updates the DLP module to add restrictions, particularly for operations, to the DLP XML policy validators to help prevent the issue.
When an OfficeScan XG client performs the "Clean" action on certain backup files, it may also transfer the files to the "Virus" folder. The files in this folder are sent to the OfficeScan server along with quarantined files.
This hotfix prevents OfficeScan XG clients from saving a copy of cleaned BR0 to BRF backup files, for example XXX.BR0, XXX.BR1, XXX.BR2 to XXX.BRF, in the suspected virus folder. This ensures that cleaned files are not sent to the OfficeScan server.
This hotfix helps ensure that DLP violation logs displays the correct channel name and file path for Google Drive.
The hotfix enables the DLP module to support Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 Redstone 4 Insider Preview (10.0.17083).
The OfficeScan server widget queries Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) logs using the "root" account. This situation causes backend processes to always return all logs to any user.
This hotfix resolves the issue by adding a method that allows administrators to check all viewable domains of currently logged-on users if the request comes from a widget. The hotfix adds a hidden key to enable or disable this feature.
To configure the new setting for "ofcserver.ini":
OfficeScan does not propagate the OfficeScan Predictive Machine Learning settings to the clients or domains when applying the settings at the root level and using the Microsoft™ SQL database.
This hotfix resolves this issue by using the correct parameter based on the implementation of the database APIs.
An issue may prevent the OfficeScan agent from downloading pattern files.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server file to ensure that the OfficeScan agent updates files normally.
The OfficeScan agent downloads the SAL pattern file even if the current pattern file is already updated.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server files to ensure that the OfficeScan agent only gets updated pattern files from the server.
An issue prevents the "showunlockbutton" feature from working on OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server file to ensure that the "showunlockbutton" feature works normally.
After upgrading to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, the OfficeScan web console will display the connection status of all OfficeScan agents as "independent".
This hotfix resolves the issue by ensuring that the OfficeScan server can successfully retrieve the correct agent connection status.
Data Loss Prevention™ (DLP) blocks the Skype application.
This hotfix updates the DLP module that contains the improved process flow to prevent false positive alerts when the Skype application conducts file access events on its temporary files.
32-bit OfficeScan processes may stop unexpectedly on 64-bit platforms.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating how the DLP module matches path names when locating the "wow64.dll" path.
An interoperability issue between the VMware Horizon agent and the User-Mode Hooking feature of OfficeScan agents triggers a black screen when a protected computer restarts after agent installation.
This hotfix updates the User-Mode Hooking driver to solve this issue.
The firewall's "Quarantine" action in medium security level blocks the FTP session.
This hotfix changes the "Quarantine" action to "Drop" in medium security level to resolve the issue.
The Virus/Malware logs that agents send to the OfficeScan server disappear unexpectedly after administrators migrate the OfficeScan database from CodeBase to an SQL Server database using the SQL Server Migration Tool.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server program to ensure that OfficeScan keeps security risk logs after migrating the database.
An attacker may be able to use the "Sc.exe" file to run unauthorized commands on a computer protected by OfficeScan.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
This hotfix enables the SQLMIGRATION.LOG in the OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1 server. By default, the SQLMIGRATION.LOG file is in the "\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SQL" folder on the OfficeScan server installation directory.
The OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may cause high CPU usage on protected endpoints when Sysmon.exe is running.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
Under certain scenarios, some OfficeScan processes may stop unexpectedly.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to enhance the self-protect feature of OfficeScan processes.
An issue prevents the OfficeScan server from deploying the correct local language settings to agents.
This hotfix resolves the issue by updating the OfficeScan agent program.
OfficeScan stops generating logs unexpectedly after users enable the "Schedule scan connection verification" setting.
This hotfix updates the logic flow from the check timer to solve this issue.
The OfficeScan Behavior Monitoring feature may cause high CPU usage on protected computers.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring module to resolve the issue.
The OfficeScan server cannot add UNC paths to the approved list in the Behavior Monitoring Settings.
This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server file to enable it to add UNC paths in the Behavior Monitoring approved list.
This hotfix provides a way for users to generate an installation package for coexisting OfficeScan agents on the On-Premise OfficeScan server.
To generate the installation package for coexisting OfficeScan agents:
Administrators can retrieve the following installation packages for coexisting OfficeScan agents from the "\PCCSRV\Download" folder on the OfficeScan server installation directory.
After upgrading to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, the system may be unable to access certain third-party application files if Predictive Machine Learning is enabled.
This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring service to not block valid third-party applications.
When Trend Micro Smart Feedback is enabled, it shares anonymous threat information with the SPN. However, Predictive Machine Learning does not use anonymous information when sending the SPN feedback information.
This hotfix updates the Falcon Core Engine and the OfficeScan agent program to resolve the issue.
After upgrading to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1, the OfficeScan agent program and some other applications (for example, Print spooler) may encounter an HTTP service issue.
This critical patch ensures that OfficeScan agents do not stop the HTTP service allowing other applications to function normally after upgrading to OfficeScan XG Service Pack 1.
The Trend Micro Control Manager™ server SQL database grows rapidly because the OfficeScan server sends a large number of plug-in service (PLS) status logs to the Control Manager server.
This critical patch resolves the issue by ensuring that the OfficeScan server does not send old PLS status logs repeatedly to the Control Manager server.
The Behavior Monitoring approved list does not work on files specified by a network path.
This critical patch updates the logic for the Behavior Monitoring approved list to ensure that it works on files specified by a network path.